The Cook’s Illustrated Cookbook (autographed copy) Giveaway
Over the summer, I found out that America’s Test Kitchen is located right down the road from where I live. It’s literally less than a 10 minute walk from my house. I had no idea. But since then, I’ve been building a relationship with the folks down there and I’ve even got a good friend (Megan) who works there!
A few weeks before the holiday season hit, ATK hosted a private reception at the Test Kitchen to celebrate the launch of The Cook’s Illustrated Cookbook. I had a great time at the reception. You can check out the photos from the reception on the ATK Facebook page. As part of the goodie bag at the end of the night, we all got to bring home a copy of The Cook’s Illustrated Cookbook which had been autographed by none other than Christopher Kimball himself!
Because my cookbook collection is out.of.control on top of the fact that I have about five other Cook’s Illustrated cookbooks, I’ve decided to pass this copy along to one of you!
Giveaway rules (CLOSED):
– Winner will be chosen using
– US shipping addresses only
– Giveaway is open until 11:59 PM EST on Wednesday, January 4th (that’s today!)
– Mandatory first entry: answer the following question: What’s your favorite cookbook in your collection?
– For an additional (optional) entry, Tweet the following “I want to win an autographed copy of The Cook’s Illustrated Cookbook from @beantownbaker” (leave a separate comment saying you Tweeted about the giveaway)
Note: America’s Test Kitchen has no idea I’m doing this giveaway. I enjoy their cookbooks and wanted to share one of them with you!
One Year Ago: Red Velvet Cheesecake Cake Truffles
You have too many things that I want! I’d love the mini tart set.
I would love the candy thermometer or mini tart pans. Such fun stuff!
There are too many things I want too! I would love the silpat or the tart pans. Or, the food network magazines! Hahahaha!
I need them all. 🙂 I’d especially like the egg crate in white.
The cloth napkin set in ‘Slate Blooms,’ please. I love Vera:)
I would love the mini tart pan set!
The silpat is on my wish list 🙂
I’d love the Food Network mag subscription!
Happy Blogiversary!!
Understanding Exposure!
Happy Blogiversary!! I would love the magazine subscription
as enticing as the kitchen stuff is, i really want Understanding Exposure. 🙂
The round cookie cutter set! Happy Blogiversary again!
all_home_cooking at yahoo dot com
It’s so hard to pick just one! I’d probably go with the cookie cutter set.
I love the mini tart set or the egg crate in sky! Happy Blogiversary 🙂
I would love the egg crate in white, but that candy thermometer is tempting…
I’d love a silpat!
I would love the mini tart set
Oh it’s so hard to choice. Both the candy thermometer and the tart pans look great!
The 6″ cake pans.
And I’ve had really bad luck with that style candy thermometer, stuff gets stuck behind it and burns if you don’t move it all the time. And it has a tendency to scratch my pans. I’ve had much better luck with the style with the dial at the top and them stem. You just have to make sure they’re not sitting on the bottom of the pan
Definitely the mini tart pans 🙂
Happy Anniversary! I would love to win the Silpat!
I’d love the round cookie cutter set. I know you’ve been raving about these. 🙂
i would love to win the food network magazine subscription. but i would take anything, they are all wonderful items!
Happy blogiversary! Everything on your list is awesome, but I especially love the egg crate in sky.
I would love to win either the food network magazine subscription or the stacking cooling rack. 🙂
Love the mini tart set!
I agree…it’s hard to decide! But I think I’d go with the mini-tart pans. So cute!
Love the cookie cutters, could really use them!
Some very nice options there…I think either the egg crate or the thermometer.
Awesome giveaway, the cookie cutters are very cool!
I like the stacked cooling rack. I NEED one of those! 😉
The stacking cooling rack. So hard picking just one!
I’ve been meaning to get one of those silpat things forever…I’d definitely pick that.
Happy Blogiversary! I would love to win a silpat!
Stacking cooling rack please!!! I would love that!
I could actually really use round cookie cutters! I always have to make flower or heart shaped biscuits, etc. because I don’t have any…it’s getting a little silly!
So hard to choose! I think I’d have to go with the mini tart pans though – that’s something that I probably wouldn’t buy for myself, so it woudl be a fun treat!
Wow, what a hard choice, I will take one of each, lol! If I won, and I had to choose, I think I’d go for the stacking cooling racks. I have eyed sets of those for years and never actually purchased any. Thanks for having these great giveaways! 🙂
I would love the candy thermometer.
These are great items, and I’d love a candy thermometer!
happy anniversary of your blog! I can’t even decide what I’d wand, the 6″ cake pans, or the mini tart pans. . .
Happy Blogiversary! I would love the candy thermometer.
Love the giveaway! I would definitely go for the cooling rack set…I can’t believe I don’t have one already!
I would love the cake pans.
I would love the cooling rack set! Whenever I bake cookies I wish I had one.
The Round cookie cutters! Finally some shape to my cookies lol…
definitely the silpat!
i would love the Food Network magazine
I would love the cookie cutter set
Hello Beantown Baker!!
Oh, if I were to own a stackable cooling rack, no more would my measly sized kitchen become overly crowded! Cooling goodies from my baking operation often spread to the living room, to my family’s dismay.
Happy Baking to all
Love, Chelsea
I’d love to win the Food Network magazine subscription! 🙂
Wow, great giveaway! I’d pick the mini tart pans. They are so cute.
I’d love to win the silpat. Thanks for the giveaway!
I bake so much a silpat would be awesome – thanks for doing a givaway!
egg crate in white please 🙂
I want them all! 🙂 The egg crate is adorable is the sky color…or the magazine subscription!
Thanks for the give a way!
I really need a silpat. I’ve heard so many great things about them.
I would love the mini tart set! They are so cute 🙂
The 6″ cake pans! I would love to make mini cakes that were appropriate for just the two of us here at home.
stacking cooling rack set! my roommates get tired of me strategically placing cookie racks around the apartment.
Definitely the Silpat! I’ve been meaning to get another one.
Happy blogiversary!! The Stoneware Egg Crate in white is my favorite 🙂
I would love to win the mini tart set! Great final blogiversary giveaway Jen! I love your blog!
Happy Blogaversary! I’d love to have a candy thermometer!!
I have wanted mini tart pans for so long but it keeps getting pushed down my list as other real-life expenses pop up!
I would love to win the candy thermometer. I have most of the other items and it’s been on my list to purchase one of these days!! Happy Blogiversary!!!
Three cheers for the Blogiversary-Birthday-Girl! HIP HIP!
I too am smitten with the mini tart set. Been trying to make small versions of all the crazy good recipes I see everywhere, and those would be soooo welcome!
(Although I have to admit, I also am one of those people who has let the candy thermometer slip down too low on the to-buy list…What is it with that thing?)
Food Network Magazine subscription!
I am sure you already have one of your own but, I would love the silpat mat.
Food Network subscription – love it! 🙂
I would absolutely love the stacking cooling rack set.
Happy Blogiversary!!! And, if I have to choose, I’d go with the mini tart pans. I have much love for personal-sized baked goods.
One Year Subscription to Food Network Magazine please!!
I love them all but my favorite two are the One Year Subscription to Food Network Magazine and the cooling rack.
uncashbug6 at aol dot com
I’m getting more into stacking cakes and and would love the two 6-inch cake pans! Awesome giveaway Jen – Happy Blogiversary!
I would want th candy thermometer… or the round cutter set. Or the silpat. One of each thing really lol. It would be a tough choice!
ahh the candy thermometer! I always want to make candy but never have one 🙁 hehe
congrats on the blogoversary!!
Food Network Magazine
I always have a hard time finding it in the stores here
I would love to have a year subscription to Food Network Magazine!
Can never have to many Silpats! My chocolate chip cookies never tasted so yum! Definitely on my wish list!!
Hmm…what I should be saying is the cooling racks, but now I’m really curious about the Silpat. I’ve never heard of them!
They all look great! I’d really like the Food Network magazine.
I would love to win the silpat. but any of them would be rad
The stoneware egg crate in sky is fabulous!!
The tart set is so cute!
I have been thinking about getting a candy thermometer so I’d have to say that one.
I’ve heard that the slipat works wonders, especially when baking pastries!
Gosh, I love a lot of these! But I think I’ll go with the Food Network magazine.
I love the egg crate! I usually buy my eggs from a farm stand and need something handy to hold them in!
Mini Tart Pan set. I’ve been eying some for awhile!
I would have to go with the mini tart set since I do not have one and it looks really cute!
The cooling rack would be fantastic!
Too many to choose! The FN magazine for the recipes!
The stoneware egg crate in sky! aaahhh!
It’s like you read my mind sometimes… I really needed a candy thermometer yesterday (so went out and got one.)
I think I’d go with the round cookie cutter set… I eye it up every time I go to a local baking store, but I just can’t bring myself to get it. I remember you talking about it for your birthday and now really want one!
Food Network Magazine would be wonderful!
I would love to have the stacking cooling rack set. Cookies are by far the item I bake the most in our house. They are the perfect portable dessert or snack.
The Silpat would be awesome!
I’ve been so excited for the giveaways and keep checking my Google feed to see if you’ve updated! I definitely would go for the round cookie cutter set, especially since you keep saying how much use you get out of them!
I’d absolutely love the Silpat baking sheet…I’ve been wanting to buy one for a long time! Great giveaway, so many great options! : )
beckyspoolstra at
I would love the 6″ cake pans. THanks!
I would love the food network magazine!
silpat please!! (i currently have 1 and really like it, but my 2nd cookie sheet is feeling left out….)
Wow what great options…I’m a bit torn on what to choose but i think the silpat is the way to go! It would help me out a lot!
Happy blogiversary to you! I would love to win the one year subscription to Food Network magazine.
I’d love the stackable cooling racks!
Food Network Magazine- hands down!!!! And a happy end to your blogiversary- looking forward to the next year of posts!
Love your blog! I just happened upon it some time back and enjoy it so much. I would love the magazine subscription or silpat.
Candy thermometer would be great
I would love the mini tart pans.
The mini tart set please! I’m a huge fan!
I love them all!! But would really love either the round cookie cutters or the egg crate in sky blue. I think I own everything else. I’m new to your blog and I love it! I plan on making the coconut lime cupcakes and the pina colada ones. Keep it up, awesome!
I would love the candy thermometer! There are so many things that I haven’t been able to make because I didn’t have one but now that the holidays are coming quickly, I’ll definitely put it to good use!
They’re all terrific, but I have wanted a Silpat for a long time! Thanks for the chance to win.
Oooh, tough choice! I’m going to go with the Silpat.
Definitely a round cookie cutter set!
I’d love a silpat! I had one but then accidentally sliced some bread on it and kind of shredded it. *facepalm*
Too many good things to choose from. I guess I would choose the round cookie cutter set.
I don’t have a lot of counter space, so I’d love the stackable cooling rack!
egg crate (white) please.
Mini tart pans!!!
I’d love the stackable cooling rack! 🙂
Great picks! I’d like the stoneware egg crate in sky blue.
All of these items are great! So hard to choose, but I would love the Food Network Magazine subscription or the tart pans! Thanks!
I’d love a silpat. Congrats on your Blogiversary!
Def the Food Network Magazine! =)
I love the egg crate in sky!
A candy thermometer would be awesome!
I would love the magazine subscription!
Happy blogiversary! Everything on your list is really awesome, but I would especially love the food network magazines!
I would love the subscription to the food network magazine. You are making the decisions so difficult!
Happy blogiversary! I need a new silpat! That’s my choice.
I am in such need of new round cookie cutters!!!
The round cookie cutter set would be perfect for me!
akjml at hotmail dot com
I’d love the photography book. Although I have been wanting a silpat, but I’m more likely to buy that myself than the book!
I would love the Silpat since the one I have is deteriorating. Thanks!
Cookie cutters! Followed by the cooling rack..I need some practical items for the kitchen.
I’d love the racks, silpat or mini tart set!
A candy thermometer would be perfect for all the candy I plan on making come Fall time 🙂
I would love the silpat!!! Awesome giveaway 🙂
The one thing that you have that I have been longing for– the circle concentric cookie cutters 🙂 So, simple, but oh, the possibilities!
Happy blogiversary.
I’d like “Understanding Exposure”.
Happy bogiversary! All the prizes look great but I’d pick the silpat. I have one but would love to have another they are so handy.
I have been wanting a tart pan set for a while now so that is definitely what I would love to have! Happy blogiversary!
Lots of great things to choose from, but I would love the silpat!
I would love the mini tart set or the slipmat!!
Silpat for a baking sheet !! My mom always wanted one, I’d love to gift this to her 🙂
the magazine OR the 6in cakepan…hard to decide!
Oh I have trouble picking just one but I am going to go for the silpat.
the stacking cooling racks or the mini tart pans!
Would love the candy thermometer!!
I would love the cookie cutters! Happy blogiversary!
I would love the magazine subscription. We all know I need it ! : )
I would like the round cake pans!
I would like the Food Network magazine subscription.
I would love to have the stacking cooling rack set! When I was married I registered for a ton of baking equiptment. Unfortunately the one thing I didn’t register for were any cooling racks! I have been using a roasting pan rack for any of my cooling needs. The stacking cooling rack would be perfect, and great for saving space too.
Happy Blogiversary! I know I’m probably late but I was on vacation for awhile. Your blog is awesome and I love reading everything you post 🙂 I’m totally digging those round cookie cutters. Believe it or not but I own no cookies cutters! Eeek!
I want them all! But I’d love the round cookie cutter set.
Tart pans or the candy thermometer get my vote!
Understanding Exposure (because I don’t…)
I’ve had that round cookie cutter set on my Amazon wish list for a year!
Would love the Food Network magazine!
White egg crate for sure!
i’d love to win cooling rack
I would love the understanding exposure book.
julie (at) thelittlekitchen (dot) net
Happy anniversary! I’d love the mini tart set or the cookie cutters!
I have some of the items listed so it makes it a little easier. I would like the stacking cooling racks because I am always looking for more counter space to cool cupcakes!
I would love the magazine subscription. I have been trying to find new, creative recipes for my husband, and that would help!
I would love to have those round cookie cutters. You always say how helpful they are!
The silpat would be great!
the napkins in Barcelona please! 🙂
I would love to win the 6 inch cake pans. The Michaels close to me is always out of them.
It would have to be the Food Network Magazine for me! I love foodie magazines 😀
I’d love to win the eggcrate (in Sky)!
I love your blog. Count me in for a silpat, please! I always feel bad when I use parchment paper and have to throw it away and just have not gotten around to buying my own mat, yet.
I recently discovered your blog and I LOVE it!!! I can’t wait to try some of your recipes. If I am picked, I would love the Imperial Toile Napkins.amm
It would be lovely to win the cooking rack. As a new & cheap baker, I have yet to get such a thing and for now I create various ways to cool my baked goods (i.e., putting cupcakes on top of empty pans on my counter).
Happy Baking
Wow! They all look great. If I had to choose just one, it would have to be the thermometer. Thanks for offering 🙂 Happy Thursday to you!
I’d love the stacking cooling set! Thanks so much!
I would love those napkins in Barcelona! Although the mini tart set is a close second!
Happy Blogiversary
The circle cookie-cutouts or the year subscription would be lovely!
All such great items, but I would love the food network magazine subscription! Happy Blogiversary, what a great idea!
I would love the stacking cooling rack–it looks like a great space saving item!
Too many wonderful things to choose from! If I had to pick though, I guess it would be the the 6″ cake pans.
I’d pick the candy thermometer!
I would love those mini tart pans because I want to do more pastry baking but I don’t have enough people to make the full recipes for!!
oh the cookie cutters! theyre adorable and oh so useful! 🙂
Would love the round cookie cutter set!
I would love the silpat baking sheet! Those things are amazing!
Thanks for the opportunity! The round cookie cutter set looks fantastic (as do all of the prizes!).
Oh the two pans! I’ve been making a lot of animal cakes lately, but have one lonely pan. It takes 2 round cakes to make the head and snout and eyes of a Panda! Make my life easier!
I think the magazine subscription would give me new ideas which is always fun!!
I would LOVE to win the round cutter set. I almost bought it today but held off. I hope I can win it instead!