Avon Walk Weekly Update

It’s time again for my weekly Avon Walk update. If you’d like to see my full training calendar, check it out here or on the left sidebar of my blog.

Thoughts on training: The weather this weekend was awesome. Special shout out to Hubby who went on a 9 mile walk with me on Saturday! I was supposed to go on a walk this morning, but that pain in the tendon on the top of my left foot has come back and more severe this time. I decided to give it a rest and walk tomorrow instead. I still need to figure out what is causing this pain!

Thoughts on fundraising: I had another couple donations come in this week and I’m almost to my goal!

Miles walked last week: 9
Minutes doing cardio: 0
Minutes doing cross training or weight lifting: 0
Total $$ raised: $2,270

Thanks to everyone who has donated so far! If you’d like to donate to support my walk, you can make a donation on my Avon Walk page.

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2 Responses to “30-While-30 Two Month Update”

  1. #
    Christina @ This Woman Cooks! — August 17, 2011 at 2:43 pm

    I love your list. Very inspiring to get on the ball with things I’ve been meaning to do or keep putting off.

  2. #
    Louise — August 22, 2011 at 7:17 pm

    For the Chocolate Mosaic Cheesecake, I’d use the recipe from Susan Purdy’s “A Piece of Cake” but the BAKED brownie. It’s fantastic and very easy.

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