Rabbit Food

I recently found out that I’m lactose intolerant (LI). I nearly started crying in the doctor’s office. For a girl who eats cheese and ice cream almost daily, this was a big devastation. It turns out that I can eat goat and sheep milk products, including Goat Cheese! I don’t know why I had never tried Goat Cheese before, but OMG I love that stuff! Thank goodness I can still eat some sort of cheese.

Hubby and I try to eat salads and we used to get the prebagged Caesar salad mix. Since I’m LI, that wouldn’t work anymore so we had to come up with a substitute. This salad has been through a few revisions and we finally found a version that we both LOVE. We eat this salad almost every night.

Super Salad (by ME!) – 4 WW pts – makes 3 servings
1 bag of spring mixed greens
1 granny smith apple – chopped
3 Tbsp of sliced almonds
1/8 cup dried cranberries
1 oz Goat Cheese
6 Tbsp Trader Joe’s Italian Dressing

Mix everything in a big bowl and serve!

I also make this to take for lunch. I put the chopped apple and salad dressing in a small tupperware bowl. The dressing keeps the apple from browning. I put everything else in another tupperware bowl and voila! No gross soggy leftover lettuce or brown apple.

Note: the dressing makes up the majority of the points, so if you want to go lower, use a different dressing. We just love the TJ’s dressing and at $2/bottle our budget loves it too.

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3 Responses to “Blueberry Rhubarb Pie”

  1. #
    Evan B — August 10, 2010 at 3:39 pm

    Hmm.. my boyfriend made strawberry rhubarb pie the other day and it was fabulous but I’ve never heard of blueberry rhubarb! Sounds delicious.. Im going to have to let him know of this discovery!

  2. #
    Amanda — July 10, 2011 at 6:54 pm

    Delicious! I did 4 cups rhubarb and 4 cups blueberries and it turned out scrumptious! Thanks for the recipe.

  3. #
    cindy — November 27, 2013 at 10:55 pm

    The apple of my eye told me his fav pie is blueberry rhubarb lemon merangue. I thot he was joking and this is the closest receipe ive found. I want to surprise him. Is this what he is speaking of do u suppose or do u kno of such a pie? Thank you. I really want to surprise him. & thats why i havent asked him how to make it.

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