Cue JAWS music…

When deciding what to take for our Jimmy Buffett tailgating experience, I of course thought of making cupcakes! I made the Margarita cupcakes but also wanted something more traditional… I saw a picture of some beach and shark cupcakes and thought they were really cute and very fitting.

As usual, when I make more than 1 kind of recipe, I make one from scratch and one from a box. I made the margarita cupcakes from scratch and used the WW Diet Coke method on these babies.

Diet Coke Cupcakes – 2 WW pts

1 box cake mix – I used Devil’s Food
1 can of diet coke – any variety will do – I used Diet Dr Pepper
1 egg white (to help hold it all together)

Follow directions on box for cake or cupcakes except use only ingredients listed above.

I used store bought frosting that and dyed it blue.

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4 Responses to “Banana Blueberry Muffins”

  1. #
    Elly — October 13, 2007 at 8:49 pm

    These look great! I will definitely be giving them a try.

  2. #
    Anne — January 26, 2008 at 3:20 am

    Very much looking forward to making these!!

  3. #
    ttfn300 — September 10, 2008 at 11:15 pm

    Yum, these are fantastic!! Thanks for sharing the recipe 🙂

  4. #
    Amethyst — August 29, 2009 at 8:02 pm

    I am so excited to see someone else making these! I have a different blueberry banana bread that I’ve used for years – it’s the Christmas gift that all my friends, co-workers, and family look forward to. I spend most of December baking, freezing batches as I go, so when it’s time to give them, I just set them out the night before, then wrap in foil with red ribbon.

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