Color Week – Green
This is the first week of my new schedule. I’m going to start working from home on Thursdays. This allows me to have some more freedom and flexibility around my work day. I sat at the computer in my jammies until about noon. Then hubby came home for lunch (he had a dentist appt so he was in the neighborhood). Then I went back to working. Around 2 I went out to the Farmers Market, to take some green pictures, and grab some things to make for dinner. Sure, I had to work a little later to make up for my hour and a half break, but its worth it in the end.
So here are my green pictures. Enjoy. Be sure to check out all of my Color Week photos on my Flickr set.
This fence is along Harvard Ave on the back side of our building. It’s a very tree-filled street.
Took this picture at the Farmer’s Market. They had some great veggies. I picked up some ground turkey and some goat cheese (some smoked and some chocolate). I know, chocolate! I don’t know what I’m going to do with it. Any suggestions are welcome.
Saw these flowers while walking home from the Farmers Market.