Color Week wrap up

I had so much fun during color week. I decided to make a mosiac (using this mosiac maker) of some of the pictures that didn’t get posted this week. Do check out the red, orange, yellow, green, and blue photos that were posted last week. And be sure to watch out this week for the next photo week – auto camera settings!

1. Breast Cancer awareness sprinkles, 2. My wedding flowers, 3. Mini Cooper in our parking lot, 4. Ribbon at Paper Source, 5. Pretty grass, 6. Veggies at Farmers Market, 7. Bell park near our house, 8. Hand made lamp in bathroom, 9. Vase in bathroom

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One Response to “I smell Thursday”

  1. #
    CB — October 10, 2008 at 1:53 pm

    Love that bout shot. Brings back memories of my own wedding. Photos that do that are a winner in my book. Right there with you on the garlic thing. Wasn’t a huge fan before I started cooking and now I love it. Add it to everything and double it! HAHA

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