I need help…
Clara over at I [heart] cuppycakes has inspired me to enter a photo into Does My Blog Look Good in This. It’s a great event that highlights food photography. Since the photo has to come from a blog post in the previous month, I only have a few choices. These are my favorite 3 from last month. Please let me know which one you think I should submit. Thanks for the help.
I love that first picture with the park bench in the background and the tree branch upclose. Awesome. I think I need your camera.
I do love it. Like I said I’m sure you’ll be really happy with whatever you decide.
The swingset is great, that blue really pops. And that handrail looks like a skateboarders dream, awesome perspective on that shot!
I really like the swingset. I’m with Steph, that blue really pops. But my favorite is the passageway. It is such an interesting picture. Nice job.