Caramel (Cup)Cake with Caramelized Butter Frosting (Daring Bakers)
This month’s Daring Baker’s challenge comes from Shuna Fish Lydon. I’d like to thank our hosts this month for choosing such a great recipe. Hubby LOVES caramel! Thanks so much Dolores of Chronicles in Culinary Curiosity, Alex of Blondie and Brownie, and Natalie of Gluten-a-Go-Go. You can see the full length recipe on Dolores’ blog.
I did a decent amount of salt to the frosting to cut out the sweetness. Many DBers claimed the frosting and cake together were just too sweet. We really enjoyed the salted caramel flavor.
This month brought about another first for me. I love DB for forcing me to try new things. I’ve never made caramel and the caramel sauce used in the frosting and the cake is delicious. I didn’t have enough powdered sugar so my frosting did need to be refrigerated to stiffen up. After some time in the fridge, I was able to pipe it onto the cupcakes.
I obviously opted to make cupcakes out of the recipe since we had the freedom to choose any size of cake. The recipe for this month yielded 22 cupcakes for me and they baked for 20 minutes at 350 degrees. The frosting yielded the perfect amount for the cupcakes, with just enough left for my expert taste tester. I thought they were very good. Other than the caramel sauce, the recipes were not difficult to execute.
Wow, these look great! Kudos for your success at another baking first!
Your cheesecake pops looked clean-cut. Perfect cubes and they really look good in cubes! Nicely coated!! Unlike mine, lol.
The squares look great.
Mine had footprints.. and finger prints from the pint sized assistant!
Wow, your shapes are so clean and perfect. Very nice job!
Everything looks so perfect. Great job
Well done in getting them dairy-free. I don’t have access to Tofutti in the UK and have had to go for the whole-dairy version, which I have to take a lactaid just to look at. Yours are lov-er-ly looking.
Perfect geometrics! Nice job–and glad you enjoyed them with the extra, dairy-free challenges.
I love how perfectly cut those are – well done!
My first batch of pops I coated by microwaving the chocolate, I think I am going to try it over the water like you did, to try to get a more consistent coating this time – they’re just in the freezer now…
These turned out beautifully..they are such clean lines! Very nice!
your pops look so perfect! i wish my cheesecake had been that firm! congrats on adapting the recipe to suit your needs 🙂
Aw, bummer about the lactose intolerance (I too have lactose issues normally). I’m so glad you could figure a way around it and isn’t the new DB site awesome?! 🙂 Your pops turned out beautifully! Great job.
Wow! Did you cut your squares with a knife or dental floss? They are really pretty and precise looking! I’m glad the soymilk/margarine substitute worked for you.
Awesome. I love your squares!
I really love the square pops, they are so elegant. Thanks for the tips on dairy-free pops!
Maggie, I used a knife to cut my shapes.
Great job! I did squares too.
Congratulations on your lactose-free pops. I love their cute little square shape!
Your pops are adorable! I was so happy to see a dairy free version. My little nephews are on a dairy free diet. This is a perfect treat for them. Thanks!
Great looking pops and a nice adapation of the recipe.
Ooo I love the squares and triangles. Very cute. Congratulations on completing the challenge and being able to adapt it to something you can enjoy!
I love the square pops! I’m also lactose intolerant, but I admit to loving dairy too much to give it up. Lactaid is my friend!
Your squares are absolutely perfect!! Great job on this challenge – especially with adapting it so that you could enjoy it!
Love your geometric cheesecake pop shapes. I wish my cheesecake had been firm enough to try that approach. I may try tofutti next time…
Gorgeous cube pops! They remind me of those chocolate See’s suckers 🙂
woot!! Cute little square pops 😉 they look wonderful, and so perfect..soo very perfect lol
Your pops look wonderful!
Wow! Your pops look awesome. Does it taste like real cheesecake with your toffuti substitute.
perfect squares 🙂 I love them !
Great job ! congrats !
i know this post is old but i was wondering if you could share the orginal recipe that isnt dairy free? my email is
They look and sound great! I will have to try these out.
Hi- just wanted to tell you I’ve been making these every year since you posted this. I never print the recipe and every fall I have to google it to find this specific one- we all love it! My kids (13, 11 and 5) ask for these the first time we say the word pumpkin in August. So thank you!