Demo Day is FINALLY here!!
Hubby and I have been talking about renovating our kitchen since we moved into our tiny Boston condo two years ago. We’ve gone through tons of ideas, 3 kitchen designers, and interviewed multiple contractors.
Finally, we can actually talk about real work getting done on our kitchen. We came up with a design that wouldn’t break the bank too bad and ordered the cabinets and counter tops two weeks ago.
Today our contractor came to start the job. We knew they’d be able to make great progress on the demolition today since it’s such a small space (~150 sq-ft), but we had no idea they’d get as far as they did.
Just a bit of background about our kitchen. It’s small and a very unique space. The kitchen is actually two rooms, a dining room and a kitchen in one. Kind of “L” shaped. The building is very old, so the pipes are old. As is the electrical system. We have a fuse box above the door in the kitchen. The kicker is that only one of the 5 corners is 90 degrees…
This is my main working space. About 30 inches of countertop next to the stove. Before we emptied the kitchen out, my KitchenAid mixer was on the right near the window. And yes, we decided to stop cleaning the stove a few months ago since we knew we were getting rid of it soon.
This is the other set of cabinets. Looking into the kitchen from the back hallway.
A shot showing some of the obstacles – a radiator under the windows, and a fridge in front of the window. I guess you make do when you have such a small place.
Here’s another angle looking from the hallway door. The room to the back is the dining room portion of the kitchen. You can’t really tell from the picture, but the floor back by that picture from slopes down a couple inches. It’s definitely not level.
Another view from the hallway. We got a little ambitious last year and decided to start ripping up the floor in the dining room. It was enlightening to learn how many layers of floor there were!
As many obstacles as there are in our kitchen, the charming thing is the original subway tiling around the entire room. We knew we wanted to keep that in tact.
Here’s a sketch of the kitchen floorplan to give you an idea about how it looks. We currently have very little counter-space and cabinet space. There is basically 30 inches of working counter-space next to the stove. The space above the dishwasher was used primarily for drying clean dishes.
In preparation for this renovation, I’ve been making freezer meals. We have a small freezer in our living room packed to the gills and a microwave in the bedroom. We’re hoping to not have to eat out every meal during this process, and I think all this hard work will pay off. I made some turkey chili, crockpot pulled pork, turkey burgers, and some butternut squash lasagna.
Stay tuned later for some pictures of what the kitchen looked like when we got home.
I love all the remodel updates, soo cool.
It’s coming along so nicely – can’t wait to see the finished product!