Caramel Almond Chocolate Cupcakes
I can’t believe Cupcake Week is half way over already! Did you know that yesterday was National Cupcake Day? Be sure to check out the debate over at i[heart]cuppycakes and enter in her cupcake giveaway too!
Today I bring you a cupcake that is amazing. Simply amazing. The filling in these guys is to die for. I was eating it with a spoon. It’s also awesome over ice cream. You really can’t go wrong with homemade dulce de leche, so it’s not surprising. However, homemade dulce de leche does take a while to make (3 hours simmering in a pot), so be prepared to put some time into these cupcakes. It’s well worth the effort. Hubby agreed these are one of the best cupcakes I’ve ever made
Next time I make these, I might leave the chocolate out of the caramel ganache. As you can see, it looks more chocolatey and I would have prefered to have it be caramel. It has a great caramel flavor, but I would have liked the color contrast of having a caramel sauce.
I followed the recipes from Fields of Cake exactly, so I’m not going to repost them here. Definitely go check out her post and amazing pictures!
Don’t forget to enter in my 2nd blogiversary giveaway by midnight on August 28th!
Check out my week of cupcakes here.
Ohh I love that it’s an all-natural mint flavor. So much better than the fake stuff.
beantownbaker — July 24th, 2013 @ 12:53 pm
I agree. Hubby likes to give me a hard time by calling me a food snob for trying to avoid fake stuff in everything we eat. I figure, it’s worth the effort. And the name calling 😉
Ohhh, I love mint chocolate chip! Love that you used coconut milk in it!
Yummy 🙂 my mother would love this, mint chip has always been her favorite! Can’t wait to try this recipe!
beantownbaker — July 30th, 2013 @ 5:48 pm
I can’t believe you’re commenting on blogs while at a blogging conference. Overachiever 😛
Love it! This is amazing 🙂
for some reason your blog stopped updating in feedly 🙁 corrected and now to catch up on all the deliciousness! i just made a fresh mint ice cream as well, but i like how you used coconut milk. will be doing that next time 🙂
beantownbaker — August 1st, 2013 @ 3:17 pm
I know – I realized that too. But it’s working again now. Not sure if it was a Feedly issue or something on my end…
Really good! I may have steeped the mint too long.. A little earthy. Will try again!
beantownbaker — August 1st, 2013 @ 3:18 pm
Oh bummer! I’ve never had ice cream that I’d call “earthy”…
Would you consider doing a mint chocolate chip ice cream with goat’s milk? Or do you think the “goaty” would show through too much?
beantownbaker — August 10th, 2013 @ 9:36 am
Interesting idea. I think it would be good. This ice cream was very minty, so I think it would mask the goatiness of the milk.