Superbowl Snack Throwdown – Week 3
It’s a rainy fall day here in Boston, perfect for just hanging on the couch to watch football and check out another couple of recipes from Kate and Lauren for the Highlowaha’s Super Bowl Snack Throwdown. This week’s secret ingredient is cheddar cheese. As a reminder, recipes are to be judged on the following criterion: Creative use of the ingredient, most likely to be eaten first, best photograph, and reproducibility. So now, on to the recipes (be sure to click through to check out the entire recipes).
Kate made 4th Down Poppers with Sweet Apple Mustard Dip.
Lauren made Fiesta Sliders.
Wow cheddar cheese as a secret ingredient. There are SO many football foods that have cheese in them. In fact, it’s almost hard to think of a football food that doesn’t have cheese in it…
Let’s start with reproducibility. I think both of these recipes are well written and would be easy enough for anyone to make (be sure to make not of Kate’s comments about handling jalepenos if you make her recipe!).
When it comes to most likely to be eaten first, I think it’s a toss up. I personally don’t like spicey foods so I couldn’t go anywhere near the poppers, and I think you could make a really cute slider’s bar with the fiesta sliders so people could top theirs with whatever they wanted. I thinks this category is a draw as well.
When it comes to the photographs, again Lauren’s photo is a higher quality shot. I do appreciate seeing Kate’s little guys in her pics though – they’re too cute!
Last but not least is most creative use of the ingredient. This category goes to Kate. She even took it up a notch by not only making two recipes AGAIN this week, but also using white cheddar instead of regular old cheddar.
Congratulations Kate! I can’t wait to see what you and Lauren come up with next week!!
I’ve placed my vote, now it’s time for you to cast yours! Be sure to go to Highlowaha to vote for your favorite of these two recipes.
Thanks for neglecting to mention that my pics look like little… well… never mind. 😉
Mmmm pigs in a blanket:)
Those both look amazing. Mmm