Superbowl Snack Throwdown – Week 7
The weather in New England was beautiful today. Too beautiful to stay inside to watch football. It could have been one of our last nice fall days. Hubby and I enjoyed ourselves by walking around the city and accumulating items for our Halloween costumes. It’s Sunday, so that means it’s time to review Highlowaha’s Super Bowl Snack Throwdown recipes from Kate and Lauren. This week’s secret ingredient is black beans! As a reminder, recipes are to be judged on the following criterion: Creative use of the ingredient, most likely to be eaten first, best photograph, and reproducibility. So now, on to the recipes (be sure to click through to check out the entire recipes).
Kate made Blitz This Black Bean Keilbasa Soup.
Lauren made Pigs in a Thermal Blanket.
What a great ingredient this week. Black Beans. SO many options. After reading both of these recipes, I can definitely see myself making both of these recipes. I could see Kate’s soup being great for a tailgate where you’re hanging outside prior to the game on these chilly fall days. And Lauren’s recipe would be great for a gathering when people are hanging around the TV popping appetizers as the games go on.
I’m going to start with the photography category this week. I love the little stack of the pigs in a blanket, but Kate’s creative use of the tortilla scoop to hold some sour cream for the soup is just too cute. That pic makes me wish I was at Kate’s house when she served up that soup.
As far as the difficulty of the recipe, I think Lauren’s piggies win that category. It doesn’t get much easier than wrapping little hot dogs in some croissant dough.
When it comes to creativity, I think it has to go to Lauren because I’ve seen many black bean soups, but I’ve never seen a pig in a blanket that uses black beans.
The last category is most likely to be eaten first. As I mentioned, I could see both of these being great. But I have to admit that there’s something comforting about a big bowl of something warm when watching football. Most people think of chili instantly, but I would have to bet that this black bean soup would go very quickly and any indoor or outdoor football celebration!
If my math is correct, that means this week my vote is a tie?!? Is that even allowed? I hope it is… So,
Congratulations Kate and Lauren! I can’t wait to see what you both come up with next week!!
I’ve placed my vote, now it’s time for you to cast yours! Be sure to go to Highlowaha to vote for your favorite of these two recipes.
Both the calzoni (plural for “calzone”) and brownies look great! YUM!