Power of Pink Roundup and a Winner!
First, I’d like to thank everyone who participated in the Power of Pink Challenge this year. I know breast cancer has touched many of our lives. I’m hoping that this challenge has helped to raise awareness of this disease.
On a related note, I am starting training for the Avon Walk today. A good friend of mine offered to sign up to walk 39.3 miles over two days with me at some time next year. If you remember, Hubby and I were on the crew for the Boston Avon Walk this past year. In 2010, my friend A and I will be walking and our Hubbies will be on the crew. I’m sure I will be talking more about the walk over the next few months. It’s going to be an adventure for sure!
But now back to the challenge. Here are the submissions that I got throughout the month.
CB from I heart Cuppycakes made Lemon Angel Food Cupcakes with Strawberry Swiss Meringue Buttercream
Kris from A Baker’s Remix made Breast Cancer cakes
Dorothy from Fuzzykoala’s Caketastic Adventures made A Pink Pumpkin Spice Cake
Jelli from Jelli Bean Journals made Vanilla Cupcakes with Pink Frosting
Romina from Sweetened with Love made Pink Ribbon Cupcakes and Cookies
Kathleen from Kat’s Kitchen Place made Cowgirl Cookies
Erin from Milk & Honey made Chocolate Pinks
Claudia from Highlowaha made Double D’s cake pops
Brianne from Sweet Cheeks made Into the Pink Pretzels
Yudith from Blissfully Delicious made Pink Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes
Xiaolu from 6 Bittersweets made Redless Velvet Cupcakes with Pink Frosting
Stefany from Proceed with Caution made Think Pink Cheesecake
And I made chocolate pink M&M cookies
Thanks again everyone for participating in the challenge. And now it’s time for the fun part! Choosing the winner. I did it the old-fashioned way this time. I cut up little pieces of paper, wrote names on each piece and threw them in a hat. I had Hubby draw a name out of that hat.
And the winner of this fabulous prize is…
…Kris! Congratulations!!
Please email me your address and I will get your prize out as soon as possible.
I’m so happy to be the first to post. I just joined Joss & Main there stuff is too cute! I loved to bake and fell in love with the Whimsy Collection Apron in Trellis.
I love the square hanging lamp from Shiner International! Great giveaway! COME ON LUCKY #2!
I love the Whimsy Collection Apron in New York from Lynne’s Whim. So cute!
Love the paragon mirrors.. and site!! Thanks!!
I like the Modern Large Bowl in Sea – Set of 2. Joined Joss & Main. Thanks for introducing me to their site!
It must be the English major in me, but the silver damask journal set quickly caught my eye. Even though, I know I don’t need them I always seem to buy journals.
Great sight!!! My favorite would be any of the glass blown bowls/vases…beautiful!!!! Thanks for sharing 🙂