Superbowl Snack Throwdown – Week 9

Today I’m judging from my sick bed. We’ve all heard of people getting sick from H1N1 and while I’m not a confirmed case, it seems that I am one of those people. It’s been a rough couple of days around our house. Luckily Hubby has taken good care of me. He’s made sure I took my medicine on time and kept pumping water and Gatorade into my system so I wouldn’t get dehydrated. While my fever did hit about 104 the other day, I’ve finally broken the fever today. For four hours straight, I’ve been at 98.7 which is great news! I’m hoping to make it to work tomorrow because, lets face it, there’s only so much TV one person can watch. Lucky for me, being sick has meant that I could watch football all weekend long!

And now it’s time to review Highlowaha’s Super Bowl Snack Throwdown recipes from Kate and Lauren. This week’s secret ingredient is cayenne! Kate got to choose the ingredient since she won the Halftime Competition! As a reminder, recipes are to be judged on the following criterion: Creative use of the ingredient, most likely to be eaten first, best photograph, and reproducibility. So now, on to the recipes (be sure to click through to check out the entire recipes).

Kate made Triple “S” Snack Sack.

Lauren made Spicy Harvest Muffins.

When it comes to creativity, I have to give this to Lauren. I would never think to make muffins with cayenne on them. I am definitely intrigued by this idea and might just have to try them out myself.

Reproducibility is a key category. I think a cook of any skill level could reproduce either of these recipes. While Lauren’s recipe does have quite a few ingredients, anyone can make muffins, right? And as long as you have the time, Kate’s recipe is just a matter of mixing a bunch of stuff together and baking for an hour and a half.

As far as photography goes. This week, I have to go with Kate’s picture. I love the little footballs that she drew on the freezer paper to make those cones. Too cute!

The last category is the most likely to be eaten first. I’m going to have to go with Kate on this category again. There’s just something about crunchy Chex-mix type foods that make the disappear almost immediately around me and my friends.

Congratulations Kate! I can’t wait to see what you and Lauren come up with next week!!

I’ve placed my vote, now it’s time for you to cast yours! Be sure to go to Highlowaha to vote for your favorite of these two recipes.

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4 Responses to “Superbowl Snack Throwdown – Week 2”

  1. #
    nutmegnanny — September 21, 2009 at 4:55 am

    Your food looks great! We are huge sports watchers in our house. I’m the only one who watches college football (Go Buckeyes!) and together we watch NFL. He is a Patriots fan and I’m a Brown’s fan. Please don’t laugh at my team of choice:) I was born and raised in Ohio and I have to support the home team!

  2. #
    Heather — September 21, 2009 at 2:05 pm

    Thanks for another great review of our competition!

  3. #
    Katie K — September 21, 2009 at 2:57 pm

    Thanks for such a great review!!! We are loving it over at highlowaha!

  4. #
    Pantry Raid Blog — September 23, 2009 at 6:22 pm

    Gotta say – the potato skins look great! But then, I’ve never had a mushroom dip before, so that sounds really interesting too.
    Great job everyone!

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