Superbowl Snack Throwdown – Week 13
Can you believe how fast this month is going by? It’s the 13th already! Luckily, Hubby and I do most of our Christmas shopping online. This year I’m making some of the gifts and the rest has been ordered. Hopefully it all makes it by Christmas!
Since it’s Sunday, it’s time to review Highlowaha’s Super Bowl Snack Throwdown recipes from Kate and Lauren. This week’s secret ingredient is pineapple! As a reminder, recipes are to be judged on the following criterion: Creative use of the ingredient, most likely to be eaten first, best photograph, and reproducibility. So now, on to the recipes (be sure to click through to check out the entire recipes).
Kate made Upshot Brownies.
Lauren made Mini Aloha Calzones.
I’m going to start with the photograph this week. This week was a tough one because both of these photos look good! Kate wins this category this week because her food is more colorful.
When it comes to reproducibility, both of these recipes can be made using shortcuts. For Kate’s, you could make from scratch brownies, or from a box. For Lauren’s, you could make your own pizza dough or buy it. For this reason, I claim this category as a tie.
When it comes to creative use of ingredient, when I think pineapple, I instantly think dessert. But I think those little calzones are a very creative spin on pineapple. I have personally never had Hawaiian pizza, but like Lauren mentioned, every time I’ve seen it, it has tomato sauce on it. I don’t feel like ham and pineapple go with tomato, so I really like that Lauren customized her calzones to reflect her preferences.
When it comes to most likely to be eaten first, I have to give it to Lauren. In my experience desserts are not the first to go at football gatherings. This, of course, makes me a bit sad since I usually bring a dessert. You really can’t go wrong with a mini-calzone that you can pop straight into your mouth!
Congratulations Lauren! I can’t wait to see what you and Kate come up with next week!!
I’ve placed my vote, now it’s time for you to cast yours! Be sure to go to Highlowaha to vote for your favorite of these two recipes.
Wow! That looks delicious! I hope it also doubles as a good luck charm for my favorite teams 🙂