Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Chocolate covered strawberries are so simple to make. And they make great gifts or garnishes for cakes, brownies, cupcakes etc. I wanted to share the process I used for making chocolate covered strawberries since Valentine’s Day is coming up soon.
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how fun! i’ve never made pepper jelly, but we are growing poblanos this year, so it might be fun to try something fun with them 🙂
I can’t wait to try your pepper jelly recipe. I was just telling my friend today how I wanted to make some with all the peppers on my counter!
beantownbaker — August 25th, 2013 @ 6:33 pm
I probably won’t get to posting the pepper jelly recipe soon… If you need it before I get it posted, I used this recipe but doubled the pectin.
Nice article..
Come to our website
nice recipe. check our new chicken pickle>/a?