Our Dining Room Table

I wanted to mention our dining room table and chairs. We had a hard time finding one to fit our space well. We wanted to get a higher table height since that would allow for a smaller footprint when four people are sitting at the table. We were able to find this 42″ high table at Crate and Barrel, but we didn’t want to spend too much on the chairs, so we set out to find some.

CSN Stores had these stools and they are the perfect height. We had great customer service with them. One of the stools came in with a broken piece. I called about it and they sent a whole new chair. Once Hubby assembled them, I decided I didn’t like the cushion fabric. I recovered the cushions with Hubby’s help and a staple gun.

We push the table and chairs up near the corner when it’s just the two of us, but then when we have people over for dinner, we pull it away from the wall so everyone has enough elbow room. The table has worked really well for us and also serves as an interim counter stop when loading things into and out of the fridge (it also serves as my portrait studio for my food photos).

Don’t forget – I’m offering a chance to win a cute tote if you donate $5 or more to my Avon Walk by the end of January. See details here.

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12 Responses to “Kitchen Update – Sink and Faucet”

  1. #
    stephchows — September 11, 2009 at 2:06 pm

    So exciting!!! We are in the middle of a kitchen redo too! Our faucet just went in yesterday! Along with the new dishwasher(we didn’t have one before) is now hooked up!! That may be my favorite new part 🙂 no more washing dishes by hand!!

  2. #
    Megan — September 11, 2009 at 2:58 pm

    We’ve been looking around for backsplash. The area behind the sink, stove, and counters is just so bare… we can’t seem to make up our minds about which tiles we like… or if we prefer small bricks. It’s going to be a long process!

    And p.s. my boyfriend is obsessed with the faucet you got. We don’t need a new one, but if we did, that’s the one we’d get!

  3. #
    Jen — September 11, 2009 at 3:12 pm

    Steph – Oh I can’t imagine not having a dishwasher!

    Megan – I love the look of the glass mosiac subway tiling for a backsplash. We had an interesting obstacle in that we have REAL subway tiling on the wall to about 4 feet and the previous owners used liquid nails to attach a laminate backsplash. So we needed something that could be glued back on.

  4. #
    Jennifer — September 11, 2009 at 11:48 pm

    Oh how exciting for the change! I love the redo!

  5. #
    Joe — September 12, 2009 at 10:38 pm

    Wicked jealous, I love it. My wife and I talk about our kitchen re-do all the time, even though we don’t have a dime put away for it. But when we do, it will be so fun. The kitchen is by far my favorite room in the house.

  6. #
    Nancy — September 13, 2009 at 12:26 am

    Jen: The sink and faucet look beautiful. What I can see of the blacksplash and spice rack, it looks fantastic too. I love, love, love the Vulga Blue granite in our kitchen and I think the glass tile backsplash, although very pricey, really gave the kitchen the splash of color and uniqueness we were looking for! Ok, I really love the chandeliers….they are a real conversation piece and also unique (not for everyone, especially if you are in to simple, clean lines).

  7. #
    Jen — September 13, 2009 at 1:26 am

    Jennifer – Thanks!

    Joe – The kitchen is our fav room too. A renovation is a fun/exciting/stressful time. Good luck if you ever get around to it.

    Nancy – Thanks – I need to write up posts about the backsplash and spice rack/shelf. We just painted today so it’s all coming together!

  8. #
    bcallegra — September 15, 2009 at 12:22 am

    It’s so funny – after reading your post on your kitchen and fancy new faucet, I saw the same faucet while at an open house and was showing off all its features to Andrew. Very cool!

  9. #
    Cupcake Activist — September 29, 2009 at 7:52 pm

    I have that exact same faucets and I love it! I also have a deep stainless steel sink. So awesome!

  10. #
    judyn — November 7, 2009 at 4:12 pm

    I see that your faucet is on the right. Are you right-handed? I have seen it both ways and need to make a decision. Thanks.

  11. #
    Jen — November 8, 2009 at 11:20 pm

    Yes we are both right handed. I actually never thought about putting it on the left.

  12. #
    Harvey@all faucets world — May 31, 2016 at 6:18 am

    Yes the green patina looks cool on roofs and awnings. Although we’ll only be at the apartment occasionally and I admit if we arrived after being gone for many months and found the sink had turned into green patina, I might freak out!

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