Avon Walk Weekly Update

It’s time for my weekly checkin for how my Avon Walk training. If you’d like to see my full training calendar, check it out here or on the left sidebar of my blog.

Thoughts on training so far: This was another poor week for training. Hubby and I have both been sick (he even took two sick days this week – he NEVER takes sick days!) I had just enough energy to go to work and come home and that was it. I did try skiing for the first time ever on Thursday night. My legs were sore from that and I know I worked some muscles I’ve never used before. It was a good time. This week I passed the halfway mark on my fundraising!

Miles walked last week: 0
Minutes doing cardio: 0
Minutes doing cross training or weight lifting: I spent about 2.5 hours learning to ski
Total $$ raised: $1,535

Thanks to everyone who has donated so far! If you’d like to donate to support my walk, you can make a donation on my Avon Walk page.

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2 Responses to “And the winners are…”

  1. #
    Amanda — September 1, 2009 at 1:16 am

    Thank you so much!! I just e-mailed you back my address. I can’t wait to try out some new cupcakes!!

  2. #
    Reinah — September 1, 2009 at 1:54 am

    eEeee *squeals* I’ve never won anything, thank you so much!

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