Maple Syrup and Birthday Cupcakes

This past weekend a good friend from high school was visiting Boston. K had a conference here last week and stayed to hang out this weekend. On top of hanging out with friends, Butler made it to the Final Four! K went to Butler and is the president of his local alumni club!

On Saturday we decided to partake in some local fun by heading up to New Hampshire to go to a maple house where they boil maple syrup. We had beautiful weather on Saturday. It was a bit chilly but sunny and not a cloud in the sky. After arriving at the Grant Family Maple House, we had some food and got in line to learn all about how maple syrup is made.

What we learned is that the sap from the trees has about 2-3% sugar in it straight from the tree. At that percentage, it would take 40 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of maple syrup!! So they first condense the sap until it reaches about 8% sugar. The sap is then boiled to evaporate off the water.

Once the temperature reads 7 degrees above the boiling point of water, you have syrup! The guy in the maple house even explained how they use a baraometer on the wall to get the barometric pressure so they know the exact boiling temperature of water for that given day. It was all very scientific and extremely interesting.

The small bottles of maple syrup were a sample from each batch they had made at the maple house this season. The guy explained that as the season goes on, the syrup tends to get darker due to the change in the amount of sugar in the sap.

Of course, we had to get some maple products while we were there. Obviously, maple syrup. We also got some maple candies, some maple sugar, and some maple pepper. Can’t wait to find creative ways to use the sugar and pepper. If anyone has suggestions, please let me know!

Also, since K’s birthday was last week, I made him some cupcakes to celebrate. I went with my go-to chocolate cupcake recipe. I love that you can whip these up by dirtying only one bowl and using a whisk! I dipped them in some ganache and topped with festive sprinkles. Aren’t they pretty?

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6 Responses to “Homemade Oreo Cookies Again”

  1. #
    Party Box Design — May 14, 2010 at 11:50 am

    YUMMMY! NOW I AM HUNGRY! I wonder if you could use a ratio of real butter in the filling?

  2. #
    Jen — May 14, 2010 at 12:01 pm

    The filling recipe does use real butter as well as shortening.

  3. #
    yumventures — May 15, 2010 at 12:38 am

    did they taste good? they look amazing! i’m glad you got to spend such nice time with your sister 🙂

  4. #
    Drama queens mum (Kimberly) — May 15, 2010 at 3:07 am

    Love your blog. I have a huge sweet tooth. I’m from the North shore area, but live in NH now.

  5. #
    Jen — May 15, 2010 at 1:27 pm

    Good question yumventures! They were really good. The thin ones were a bit too crispy and the thicker ones were just perfect texture wise. Everyone loved these.

  6. #
    Anh — May 28, 2010 at 4:23 am

    I saw your photo of the oreo and thought “fabulous”. Just save the recipe to try!

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