And the winner is…
Thanks everyone for participating in the giveaway. I loved reading all the things that you make ahead of time. Be sure to go back and read through everyone’s ideas! And now on to the winner.
I used to generate a random number between 1 and 87…
Congratulations SimplySweeter! Please email me with your name and address so I can get the book sent to you.
I have to admit I rarely enter giveaways if few people have entered before me because I feel like the small numbers never get choosen. Well today, #2 was choosen. And I love finding new blogs. SimplySweeter is another Boston area blogger. Thanks again to everyone for entering the giveaway!
Love the black raspberry flavor!
Twitter follower!
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Oh my God! Oh.My.God. I have been looking for a strawberry chocolate chip ice cream forever!! Actually thought about making it myself.
Never tried Graeter’s but I love a good ol’ vanilla ice cream
Facebook follower of Graeter’s!
I love that you moved from Cincy to Boston… becuase I moved from Boston to Cincy! Haha. I do plan on returning to Boston at some point, but for now I can be happy walking 10 minutes to the Graeter’s shop near me. 🙂
Anyway, my favorite flavor is… well… a tie between black raspberry chip (duh) and toffee chip. Yum!
They all look so good, but I think I would try mint chocolate chip!
I love dessert hybrids, so blueberry pie would be what I would order at Graeters!
OOOOh Ice Cream. I love ice cream. I would want to try the caramel flavor (I’m in the middle of an obsession)!
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Aaaaaaaaaaaand Tweeted.
I would love to taste the buckeye blitz! Sounds amazing.
I like Graeters on FB.
Black razzzzzzz!! Yum!
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I like you on FB as Jay Cee. I want to try Mint Chocolate Chip!
I like Graeter’s on FB as Jay Cee.
Love Caramel!
I Like Graeters on FB!
I think I would love the Black Raspberry Chip, sounds delish!
I like Graeter’s on Facebook!