Avon Walk Weekly Update

First things first, HAPPY 4th of JULY!!

It’s time again for my weekly Avon Walk update. If you’d like to see my full training calendar, check it out here or on the left sidebar of my blog.

Thoughts on training: Well this time in a week I’ll be on day two of the Avon Walk! Wish me luck! I am not too nervous yet and I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing… I will be sure to post a recap when we get back from the trip.

Thoughts on fundraising: Thanks again to everyone who supported my walk!

Miles walked last week: 6
Minutes doing cardio: 45
Minutes doing cross training or weight lifting: 0
Total $$ raised: $2,789

Thanks to everyone who has donated so far! If you’d like to donate to support my walk, you can make a donation on my Avon Walk page.

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5 Responses to “Superbowl Snack Throwdown – Week 5”

  1. #
    Kate — October 10, 2009 at 12:08 am

    Thank you so much for your kind words and constructive criticism. I just started reading your reviews this past week because I wasn’t aware you were doing such an elaborate write up about them. I didn’t realize photography was important in your decision! My hubby brought our super awesome camera home from work and helped me get some pictures this week, and obviously it paid off. My photography skills don’t go much past trying to catch my toddlers doing something funny before they STOP doing it. Thanks for your vote this week and I look forward to your upcoming reviews!!!!

  2. #
    nutmegnanny — October 10, 2009 at 1:39 am

    Have fun in the midwest! I’m leaving for Ohio on Tuesday…gotta love home:)

  3. #
    Jen — October 10, 2009 at 4:39 am

    Yep Kate, photography is supposed to be one of the four categories I use to judge!!

  4. #
    BeeKayRoot — October 11, 2009 at 12:09 am

    Both of these recipes looked amazing, but I agree with the selection. The pumpkin footballs were my pick, too. I love pumpkin, and these little footballs look really tasty.

    Good job, Kate.

  5. #
    Velva — October 11, 2009 at 3:13 pm

    what great treats for football season! I think both looked great.

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