Christmas in July – Homemade Vanilla Extract

With just under 5 months until Christmas, it might be time to start thinking about gifts for your friends and family. That’s what I was doing about a year ago. I am definitely a big planner and had decided early in 2009 to make as many Christmas gifts as I could. Some of these gifts required quite a bit of time and some were easy to throw together. This week I’ll be sharing the gifts that I gave our family and friends last year.

The first gift came about due to a sale on Amazon. There was a great deal on 1/2 lb of vanilla beans. I started with two bottles of vodka and the vanilla beans. Once the beans were split (but not scraped) and placed in the vodka, the bottles just had to sit in a cool dark place. Every couple of weeks Hubby would pull the vodka out of the closet and shake the crap out of it. A couple months later the vanilla extract was ready to go!

I ordered some bottles online and made some labels for the bottles to finish off the look. I also placed two vanilla beans into each bottle.

I love that the vanilla extract tastes so good, has the specks of fresh vanilla beans, and will essentially never run out. If the vanilla starts running low, you can just top it off with some more vodka. As you use vanilla beans, just throw the pods in the bottle to replenish the vanilla flavor.

One Year Ago: Goat Cheese Potato Salad and Salmon with Yellow Pepper and Cilantro Pesto
Two Years Ago: Champagne Cupcakes

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27 Responses to “Chicken Tikka Masala”

  1. #
    Joanne — September 27, 2010 at 12:09 am

    I think it would be SO awesome to live in India…mostly for the food. Which places do you like in Boston? I used to live there and really want to move back at some point!

    This chicken tikka masala looks so tasty. Wonderful for PFB!

  2. #
    Jen — September 27, 2010 at 12:20 am

    Joanne – We love Punjab Palace in Allston for delivery and Tamarind Bay in Brookline for eating in.

  3. #
    Eliana — September 27, 2010 at 2:44 am

    So great that you made it through. I’m sure you will make it to the next round with this beauty. Your take on this Indian classic looks absolutely delicious!

  4. #
    kitchenmisfit — September 27, 2010 at 10:46 am

    Punjab Palace is my absolute FAVORITE Indian place in Boston. They actually make my dishes spicy unlike some other places in Boston. I’ve always wants to try Tamarind Bay as well. Delicious recipe!

  5. #
    Jen — September 27, 2010 at 12:11 pm

    kitchenmisfit – definitely try Tamarind Bay. They have a great little outdoor seating area so if you can get there before fall arrives in full swing, I’d definitely recommend it.

  6. #
    6 — September 27, 2010 at 1:35 pm

    I love chicken tikka masala – I just made it about six months ago for the first time, and I’ve made it a dozen times since!

    I have a version that takes 30 minutes – I found I couldn’t taste the difference of the chicken when it marinated in the yogurt, so just skip it!

    I voted for you – good luck!

  7. #
    Fun and Fearless in Beantown — September 27, 2010 at 2:10 pm

    This is fantastic! I love chicken tikka masala and its great you can cross off another item on your list!

  8. #
    Daisy — September 27, 2010 at 3:01 pm

    Chicken Tikki Masala is my go to Indian food too! I had a great meal at Rani in Brookline a few years ago. I just voted for you. good luck.

    Also – how fun you are giving away the KAF treats! 🙂

  9. #
    Shannon — September 27, 2010 at 3:21 pm

    looks fantastic–you got my vote 🙂 i’ll have to try this one next!

  10. #
    Skylar Wolfe — September 27, 2010 at 5:54 pm

    I made tikka masala too for this challenge! It’s so yummy and tasty. Yours looks really delicious, and I voted for you.

    You can see mine at

  11. #
    Krystal — September 27, 2010 at 6:02 pm

    Yum, I love Chicken Tikka Masala…this looks delicious Jen and you got my vote!

  12. #
    The Cilantropist — September 27, 2010 at 7:30 pm

    Love love me some tikka masala! And totally cute photo of the monkey. 🙂 Got my vote! Good luck!

  13. #
    The Small Boston Kitchen — September 27, 2010 at 11:48 pm

    Is it rude if I request to be invited over next time you make this?! Chicken Tikka Masala is one of my favorites and your looks so goooood!

    Best of luck in the competition…I’m rooting for you!!

  14. #
    notyet100 — September 28, 2010 at 12:08 am

    u r so right bout indian food,..
    platter looks yum,..good luck.:-)

  15. #
    Jen — September 28, 2010 at 3:51 am

    this looks delicious 🙂 Good luck with project food and you got my vote for this one! Feel free to drop by 🙂 Good luck and best wishes for making to the top !! WOOHOO

    jen @

  16. #
    undercover caterer — September 28, 2010 at 7:35 am

    I love chicken tikka masala too, but haven’t ever attempted it. I’ll have to do it now, you made it look simple. You got my vote!

  17. #
    Casey Angelova — September 28, 2010 at 12:28 pm

    This looks awesome. I love Indian cuisine. Best of luck with round 2!!!

  18. #
    Heather — September 28, 2010 at 2:16 pm

    We love Indian food, I wish we had it more often. Our go to is also Tikka Masala and I am thinking we may need to revisit it again real soon. Great job you have my vote.

  19. #
    Jane Ko — September 28, 2010 at 6:19 pm

    Voted for you and good luck with PFB 🙂

    I would like to invite you to participate in my giveaway

    Here is my entry for PFB

  20. #
    thecheapgourmet — September 28, 2010 at 10:22 pm

    What a fabulous dish you chose for the PFB challenge. Great job! I loved the monkey, but didn’t realize they were pick-pockets. Little rascals! I’ve not tried much Indian food, but would love to try your recipe. Sending you the best of luck in future challenges, along with my vote!

  21. #
    Lick My Spoon — September 28, 2010 at 11:13 pm

    You’ve got my vote! I’m glad you were able to challenge yourself by cooking Indian food. Good thing you did, this dish looks amazing!!

    That is so amazing that your husband has gotten to the opportunity to live in India.

    Good luck, I know you are going to go far in this competition.

  22. #
    nutmegnanny — September 29, 2010 at 4:16 pm

    I voted! 🙂 Looks great! I love Indian food but unfortunately I’m the only one in my family and friends circle that loves it. In order to eat it I have to eat alone…haha.

  23. #
    sadaf — September 29, 2010 at 6:21 pm

    Thanks for visiting my site.
    I am panjabi ana love tikka. great post and voted by me.. I always use tikka flavoured chicken for my pizza…

  24. #
    Food o' del Mundo — September 30, 2010 at 12:46 am

    Lovely post, placed my vote. Hope we both make it to the next round!

  25. #
    Queen of Cuisine — September 30, 2010 at 1:07 am

    Your tikka looks great!! Don’t you love the Pioneer Woman? I cast a vote for you!


  26. #
    Karen — October 4, 2010 at 1:18 pm

    I made this last Thursday. It was very good but way too spicy for my kids. When I make it again I am only adding one and a half T of garam masala and omitting the yogurt on the chicken.Thanks for all the yummy recipes!

  27. #
    kk — October 12, 2010 at 1:59 am

    not going to lie- mine didn’t taste so great. i was very hopeful, but i guess a year + of living in india puts my standards really high.

    my favorite indian restaurant in boston is punjabi dhaba in inman square. lines so long they’re usually down the block, and there are always lots of desis there- that’s how you know it’s good. best dosa and chicken tikka masala i’ve had this side of the atlantic. silverware is optional.

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