One month update – 30 by 30
Today I’m one month into my 30 by 30. Doing some simple math makes me think I should get 2-3 things done off the list every month. So lets see how I did.
Well first things first, I finished the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. It was an amazing experience. Be sure to check out my recap here.
I also visited a new city! Technically I went to multiple different cities, but I’m only counting it as one because it only got one new pin on our newlywed map. Yay for San Francisco (hint: I’ll be posting recaps from our trip next week).
I tried a new food too. I was late jumping on this bandwagon, but I finally tried quinoa. It was really tasty and Hubby enjoyed it too.
I also started up a volunteer event. Well actually I just agreed to continue an ongoing event. We moved to a new office location and a guy I know who used to sit over there did can recycling and donated all the proceeds to charity. He asked if I would take over. So I agreed. Yay for helping the community!
So technically I only crossed one thing off my list! Ahh. I need to get going on this thing…
- Bagels
- Marshmallows
- Molten Lava Cakes
- Baked Doughnuts
- Cheesecake
- Indian Meal (chicken tikka masala and naan)
- Sushi
- Continue to bake for a good cause
- Try three foods I’ve never had (1: quinoa)
- Get to my goal weight
- Work out on a regular basis
Complete theAvon Walk for Breast Cancer(check out my recap here)
- Visit at least 3 new cities (1: San Francisco)
- Pack a picnic dinner and see a movie on the Esplanade
- Go to the beach! (can you believe Hubby and I haven’t had a beach day since we moved to Boston 3 years ago)
- Go to the Cranberry Festival in October
- Take a spontanious trip with girlfriends
- Talk to younger siblings (A and L) on a regular basis
- Plan/host a girls night (in or out)
- Go visit my little brother’s college dorm room
- Meet my friend’s babies in the Midwest
- Babysit/Spoil my new nephew as much as I can
- Send birthday cards to my siblings, parents, and nephew
- Plan a date-day with Hubby
- Take a cooking class
- Read the photography books my dad got me
- Finish all the nearly-complete kitchen projects
- Fully de-clutter our place
- Volunteer for something at least four times (1: volunteered to take care of the ongoing can-recycling project at work)
- Plan a Boston area food blogger event
I love your list. Very inspiring to get on the ball with things I’ve been meaning to do or keep putting off.
For the Chocolate Mosaic Cheesecake, I’d use the recipe from Susan Purdy’s “A Piece of Cake” but the BAKED brownie. It’s fantastic and very easy.