3rd Annual The Power of Pink Challenge

It’s back! The Power of Pink Challenge! I started this challenge two years ago as a way to promote Breast Cancer Awareness. It seems that everyone knows someone who has been affected by breast cancer. In honor of October being National Breast Cancer Awareness month, I present this challenge to you:

make something PINK

It can be anything. As long as it’s pink.

Also, come check out my blog today. I’ve decided to GO PINK all month long. I’ve got a new header and new side bar featuring some of my favorite pink recipes.

While you’re thinking pink, think of the people in your life who have been affected by this disease. Do your monthly self-exam or get your mammogram. I would love to have a time when things like the Avon Walk don’t have to exist any more. Did you guys know that Julia Child is a breast cancer survivor? I just read that in my October issue of Bon Appetit.

Here are the rules:
1. Make something, anything, that comes out pink – use any ingredients you want (you can double this up for another Breast Cancer blogging event if you’d like, but it does need to be a new post)
2. Post your pink food by Midnight EST on October 31
3. Include the logo and link back to this post in your post
4. Email me at Jen[at]beantownbaker[dot]com – include:
– Your name and location (city/state/country)
– Name of your blog
– Link to your post
– Picture (or permission to pull one out of your post)

If you don’t have a blog and would like to participate, just send me your information as well as the recipe used and I will post it here for you.

As an added bonus, I will be providing one lucky participant with some fun pink kitchen gear. I will choose a participant at random (using Random.org) to win this prize package: The Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book Celebrating the Promise AND Breast Cancer Awareness baking set (sorry international readers, prize is only valid for US shipping addresses).



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8 Responses to “Chocolate Chocolate Muffins and a Giveaway!”

  1. #
    Mikki — July 25, 2011 at 3:18 pm

    I love double chocolate chip cookies or chocolate cupcakes of any description 🙂
    This book is such a great idea!

  2. #
    USA Kiwi (Kylee) — July 25, 2011 at 4:14 pm

    Im all about chocolate silk pie!

  3. #
    Anne — July 25, 2011 at 6:19 pm

    My mom makes the most amazing black forest chocolate cake. I could eat the whole pan, and I don’t even like cherries!

  4. #
    Linda and Matthew — July 25, 2011 at 7:50 pm

    Chocolate mousse. Gets me every time!

  5. #
    Jamie Wright — July 26, 2011 at 12:17 am

    Chocolate lava cakes!!!! Yum

  6. #
    CoCo — July 26, 2011 at 1:20 am

    I love chocolate souffle. Then again I love anything with chocolate.

  7. #
    becksterslaboratory — July 26, 2011 at 4:07 am

    YUM! Sounds like a cool book : )

    My favorite chocolate treat is my mom’s famous chocolate crackle cookies!

  8. #
    Tiffany — July 27, 2011 at 4:13 pm

    my favorite chocolate treat is brownies. i like it simple!

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