Autographed Flour Cookbook Winner!
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Hubby and I enjoyed two days of turkey and all the fixins! We were able to relax the rest of the weekend since we didn’t have to leave the Boston area of the holiday. It was great.
On Saturday, I had the chance to chat with Joanne Chang while she signed the two Flour cookbooks I had in tow. Thanks to everyone who entered in the giveaway!
I used to generate a random number to choose a winner.
Congratulations Rachel of Baked by Rachel! Rachel – please email me your mailing address so I can get the cookbook in the mail this week.
Is it really 2 days left? Dang this month as flown by. I was thinking after you do the roundup I’ll just do a random winner for the cupcake rhinestone. Sound good? Can wait to see what everyone came up with 🙂
Sounds awesome. Thanks again for doing this! It’s been fun watching the entries come in. I’ll probably do the roundup at the beginning of next week.