Friday Faves – The Fit Bridesmaid’s Blog
My sister in law recently asked me if anyone I knew had a blog (other than bloggers I met because of their blog). I could only list a few people who I knew who write blogs now and didn’t when I met them. One of those people is being featured today on Friday Favs. Anne and I were in the same sorority at Purdue, and she was a few years younger than me. Since then, we reconnected on Facebook which led to me reading her blog. She writes about her life including her wedding plans and exercise routines.
Jen probably mentioned this, but she and I were sorority sisters back in the day! Now we both live in Boston. How funny is that?
Anyway, I blog over at The Fit Bridesmaid, where I discuss my plans for my upcoming wedding. I figured that since Jen is a baker I would talk about cake. Specifically the type of cake that we will be having at our wedding: CUPCAKES!
My very first date with my fiance, Matt, also happened to be my birthday. Matt surprised me by making cupcakes!! Since then, he has made me cupcakes for my birthday every year.
(Yes, they are from a box, but give the boy some credit, okay?).
I thought it to be only fitting that we then serve cupcakes at our wedding. Cupcakes have become very popular in recent years, especially at weddings. Many people choose to display them in a cupcake tower, so that they resemble a tiered cake. Our friends, Matt and Kristin, used this approach for the cupcakes at their wedding.
Our current plan is to display the cupcakes as centerpieces on our guests’ tables. There will be 7-8 cupcakes of the same flavor on the table (we will have 3 different flavors of cupcakes at the wedding: chocolate/peanut butter, strawberry/Bavarian cream, and vanilla/raspberry) . This will force our guests to mingle and visit other tables to find the flavor that they are looking for. Using the cupcakes as centerpieces also eliminates the need to spend lots of money on floral centerpieces! HA! With 30+ tables, this adds up to A LOT of savings.
Of course, the cupcakes have popped up in other aspects of the wedding as our engagement has progressed. My mom took it upon herself to make cupcake potholders as the favors for the “personal shower” that my family threw for me.
(My aunt modeled them for me.)
And what was one of my presents? Why cupcake flannel pajamas of course!
So while cookies have always been my favorite baked good, cupcakes are quickly finding a place in my heart. To see how the cupcakes and all of my other wedding plans come to fruition, be sure to check out my blog!
Be sure to check out all of my favorite bloggers as they are featured on Friday Favs!
I miss your baking posts but still come back to look for inspiration. Your Best ever Brownies are a firm favourite and I’ve never made them for anyone’s new without being asked for the recipe!
Your new found sewing skills are massively beyond me though!