Power of Pink Roundup and Giveaway Winner

It’s already the middle of November and I haven’t posted my Power of Pink roundup! So sorry for the delay. What a great month filled with pink food! I got quite a few entries in my Power of Pink this year.

Agnes Bakes from Singapore made Strawberry Yoghurt & Jelly Cake

and Huat Kuih (Pinky Little Steamed Cakes)

Miranda from Ohio who doesn’t have a blog made Tart Cherry Cake

Jo and Sue from British Columbia, Canada made Beet Cake

A Splash of Vanilla from Queensland, Australia made Lemon Cupcakes with Strawberry Icing

Apron and Sneakers from Rome, Italy made Pomegranate Lemon Spritzer

Cheesecurd in Paradise from Green Bay, Wisconsin made Beet and Kale Risotto

Love and Other Spices from Dubai, UAE made Easy Pink Cake

PancakeNinja from Tennessee made a Pink Smoothie

Food Fashionista from just outside Boston, Massachusetts made Beet Breast Cancer Gnocchi

The Growing Foodie from Boston, Massachusetts made Strawberry Shortcake Truffles

Sami’s Cupcakes n’ Such from Butler, Missouri made Strawberry Hope Cupcakes

Vondelicious from Sydney, Australia made Strawberry Ice Cream

Lynsey Lou’s from Little Rock, Arkansas made Cream Cheese Swirl Brownies

Cooking Pretty with Julija Art made Pink Ribbon Churros

Sugared Whisk from Elkart, Indiana made Funfetti Cupcakes

Food Corner from Singapore made Strawberry Yogurt Pudding Cake

Made in Melissa’s Kitchen from New Hampshire made Strawberry Muffins

Tri to Cook from Boston, Massachusetts made Beet Crostini

My Culinary Adventures from Ontario, Canada made Raspberries and Cream Cupcakes

Kate’s Recipe Box from Bridgewater, New Jersey made Strawberries and Cream Stuffed French Toast

Krissy’s Creations from San Diego, California made Pink Velvet Cake Lollipops

Cake, Batter, and Bowl from Boston, Massachusetts made Raspberry Mango Smoothies

Kristen who doesn’t have a blog made some a Pink Bikini Cake

Apple A Day made Cranberry Chai Cupcakes

I am not going to repost all the pink food I made in October, but you can check it out in my Power of Pink tag.

And now for the exciting part of the post – giveaway winner! Everyone who participated in the Power of Pink is eligible to win the prize. This year’s prize is a Pink Kodak Zi6 Pocket HD Camcorder. I got the pocket camcorder by raising money for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. Since I already have a pocket camcorder, I decided to give this one away.

I used Random.org to select a winner from the participants. This year’s winner is Cake, Batter, and Bowl. Congrats!! Shoot me an email with your shipping address so I can get this in the mail soon.

Thanks again to everyone who participated in the Power of Pink Challenge!

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One Response to “Tate’s Bakeshop Giveaway Winner”

  1. #
    KV — December 19, 2010 at 7:45 pm

    omg no way I can’t believe I won. Thank you so much!

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