Massaged Kale Salad with Pear and Pumpkin Seeds

Have you guys tried massaged kale salads yet? Just over a year ago, I made my first one. It was the first time I had ever even eaten kale. Since that first massaged kale salad, we’ve been eating them a LOT. You can throw almost anything in a kale salad and it’s going to be good. And the best part is that once the kale salad is dressed, it doesn’t get all soggy and nasty like a dressed lettuce salad.

This massaged kale salad with pear and pumpkin seeds has been packed in my lunch box regularly for the past couple of weeks. I get a big bag of kale on Sunday and whip out 5 salads, one for each day of the week. I love the crunch from the pear and the subtle aroma of the nutmeg in the salad. (Also, I prefer to use red pears, but when I just put pears on the list, Hubby grabbed the ones in the photos. Any kind of pear will work here)

One Year Ago: Pumpkin Cranberry Pecan Upside Down Cake
Two Years Ago: Thanksgiving Two-Fer Bars
Three Years Ago: Outrageous Oreo Crunch Brownies and Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies
Four Years Ago: Potato Pancakes with Cran-Applesauce and Potato Bread (my FIRST time using yeast!)

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Massaged Kale Salad with Pear and Pumpkin Seeds

Yield: Serves 5-6


1 large (16 oz) bag Kale
3-4 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1 ripe avocado
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp freshly ground nutmeg
5 Tbsp pepitas (pumpkin seeds)
2 red pears, chopped


In large serving bowl, add the kale, lemon juice, and olive oil (start with just 3 Tbsp, add the last if you need it). Massage until the kale starts to soften and wilt, 2 to 3 minutes.

Add the avocado and continue to massage with your hands.

Season with salt and nutmeg. Taste kale and reseason if necessary.

Mix in the pumpkin seeds and pears. Serve or store in the refrigerator up to 5 days.

Recipe from Beantown Baker

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2 Responses to “Warm Chickpea, Mushroom, and Brussels Sprouts Salad”

  1. #
    TreeStan — June 12, 2014 at 9:16 am

    Looks tasty! I’m leaving right away to the grocery store and I’ll try the whole stuff tonight! Thanks for the recipe!

    • beantownbaker — September 2nd, 2014 @ 7:12 pm

      Hope you enjoyed the recipe.

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