Using Serve to make your life easier (and a Giveaway!)
Do you guys carry cash on you? I’m one of those people who literally spend cash like there’s a hole burning in my pocket. One day I have a couple twenties on me, the next I have no idea where all my money went… So I basically just stopped carrying cash with me. It’s just better that way.
But there’s always those nights where everyone is out and I’m the only one with a card and no cash. Usually I end up paying the bill and people give me cash, or we all throw in our cards and have the bill split. I am sure our server always appreciates that! American Express has come up with a solution for that very situation. It’s aptly called Serve. Instead of boring you with the details of what they’re all about or how it works, I’m going to show you how I used Serve on a girls night out the other day.
First I sent an email to a couple of my girlfriends to see if anyone wanted to get together for drinks and dinner. Shockingly, we were able to set a date fairly easily. Once that hurtle was overcome, we had to decide where to go. We all agreed we wanted to try something new. After quite a few emails back and forth, we decided on The Biltmore Grill in Newton. A key factor in that decision was the fact that they have Chicken and Waffles on the menu. We all agreed that there were so many things we wanted to try, that we’d order a little of everything and split it.
This isn’t a restaurant review, but I have to tell you the food there was comfort food to the max. The chicken and waffles were definitely the star of the evening and I really appreciated that they do beer flights. I enjoyed a variety of seasonal beers. I feel like there aren’t enough places to get a flight of beer nearby…
Ok so here’s where I tell you about how Serve made my life easier that night. First, I had already signed up for a Serve account online (you get a FREE $10 just for signing up). Second, I had installed the Serve app on my Android phone. And lastly, my Serve credit card had already come in the mail!
One thing to note about the credit card. It doesn’t have your name on it. I found that somewhat odd, but since it works like a pre-paid credit card, there’s no harm in someone using the card if you lost it. You could simply remove all funds from the card by going online or into your app.
So when the bill came that night, I got out my Serve credit card and paid for the entire bill myself. While the server was running the card, I logged in to my account on my phone.
I used the “Split the Bill” option within the app and put in the amount of the bill, the tip that I wanted to leave, and the number of people at dinner.
On the next screen, I put in everyone’s names (the app uses your address book to identify everyone via phone number or email address). Notice those bars under everyone’s name? You can use those to allocated different amounts for each person. It defaults to splitting the bill evenly, but it’s nice to have the option to have different people pay different amounts.
Since I was using the app to request money from others, they don’t have to have a Serve account at this point. To actually use Serve to send money, they would have to sign up for a Serve account.
The next screen prompted me for a message to include in the request. Once I hit submit, each of the girls was notified with an email in their Inbox requesting the amount due for their portion of the bill.
And I got transaction numbers so I could track the transactions on my app or online at
Once the payments have been made through Serve, the transactions will move from pending to completed.
While I was playing around with the app, I found some other useful things I wanted to share. First, check out all the options available when I logged into the app.
The Pizza Party option caught my eye. Check it out, you can divide the pizza bill by number of slices!
Another option that seems useful would be to link subaccounts. I could imagine using subaccounts to provide your children’s allowance or setting aside a certain amount of money for holiday shopping for example.
Overall, Serve was very easy to use and I can’t wait to explore the other options available. And now on to the good stuff, the giveaway!! American Express is offering one lucky reading a $100 Serve credit! (the winner will have to sign up for a Serve account to claim the prize)
Only one entry per person. To enter, leave a comment by midnight on 12/27 answering this question: What are your plans for the holidays?
To answer my own question, Hubby and I are working until Thursday, then we’re off the rest of the year. We’ll be heading down to his mom’s for Christmas with the family. There will be lots of food, family, and good times.
As part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program, I received a $250 stipend to try Serve from American Express. Sign up for Serve and receive $10 credit towards your first use. Comment below within the next 7 days for your chance to win an extra $100 credit to your account! Official sweepstakes rules and regulations may be found here:
I’m 100% done! Living overseas and having to ship gifts “home” to the states made me be well prepared this year!
I guess I could call myself half done with shopping. It feels like there is so much more to do though.
I have not started! I don’t even have a list of people I have to buy for. I should probably get started on that.
I have a CSN giveaway going on on my blog too! I am about 90% done other than stocking stuffers.
I started, but I am struggling to figure out what to get for a few of the people in my life. Everyone already has so much!
I haven’t started I’m ashamed to say!
I’m about halfway done, have a lot left though
I am 98% done! I did a lot on Black Friday and already have most wrapped! Just call me Martha this Christmas!
Definitely have not shopped yet but have started a list!
I’m totally done, woohoo!
ralphlucy (at) comcast (dot) net
This giveaway will come just in time for the holidays! I’ve only purchased one gift so far but I’m slowly getting into it!
I am all done, minus stocking stuffers for my boys.. But my youngest has a Birthday in January and I still need to shop for that.
Yes, I’ve started my holiday shopping. I have a ton of people to buy for!
I haven’t started shopping yet. I usually wait until about 2 weeks before Christmas on most gifts. The big ones are usually purchased when they are on sale right before the big day.
I’ve started but we still have quite a bit that needs to get done… and we’re running short on time as we’ll be celebrating with my family early this year (on the 18th)
I’ve started my holiday shopping and I’m making headway. Also, I didn’t know what CSN was. I’ll check it out.
I picked up a few things before Thanksgiving and then took care of a lot more on Black Friday!
Have not started. Never start till after Thanksgiving. I usually do all my shopping the week before Christmas. I love the pressure of last minute and I don’t over spend by shopping for 2 months. Works for me.
I haven’t started shopping yet. I usually don’t start until the week before.
I’ve barely started! We’ve picked up a few toys for our nieces, but that’s about it. Thankfully we don’t have a ton of people to buy for.
I’m half-way done like you! I also just placed a huge order last night, and now just have a few little things here and there to pick up.
I am about 75% done. I did a lot on cyper Monday for the first time and I might never go to a mall again…..uh oh, did I say that out loud. I hope my hubby doesn’t read this…lol
I’ve got some done– still trying to figure out what to buy some people but it will get done!
Except for a few little extras that aren’t really necessary I am basically finished.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
I’m about 90% done. I had twins 8 weeks ago, and I’m not getting out much, so I’m doing everything on line!
Haven’t even started! Oops!
I don’t set foot into a mall anymore. My secret: I give charity gift cards from, which allows the recipient to choose which organization they’d like to donate their money to.
I’ve only bought a few gifts so far–I wish I was already done!!
I am almost done!! Just a few more to go!! Feeling pretty good about it so far!
I haven’t start. I’m an epic procrastinator!
I’ve done all the shopping I’m going to do, besides getting all the stuff to make about 14 dozen cookies to give away as gifts!
I am 90% done. Thank gosh
I am over half way done. I have a few people left to focus on.I shop all year round because it takes that long to come up with enough money.So I just shop as I have extra cash
I usually start shopping after December 15 when I get my annual Christmas bonus 😀
But I am usually done in a couple days – I start making lists in August 😀
Haven’t even begun :/
I am almost done – hit Costco and Amazon to do most of it!
1/2 way there
love csn! I have started on my kids but that is about it!
I have no idea what I’m getting people for Christmas! The only presents that I have in the works is a needlepoint I am sewing for my boyfriend’s parents and I plan on knitting my mom a scarf. Homemade gifts are the best and cheapest, but I don’t have time to make one for everybody! If I won this gift card it would probably go towards presents anyway.
I bought my first gift on Saturday, and that’s it. So I’ve got a lot of shopping left!
I’m a little over half done.
I am about 40% done. Still have some family members to buy for.
I started mine! still got a lot to do but having a few out of the way makes me feel good!!
I have gotten a few items but I still need to do a majority of the shopping yet (probably next week)!
I have my daughter all done but have to work on the hubby’s presents and a few friends.
All I have done is the planning. I’m making my gifts this year since I’m dropping all my money on a plane ticket to go home. It certainly complicates the process in same ways.
jfalksen at gmail dot com
I just started this past weekend, with 2 little ones to shop for I have to get some sort of a head start.
I am only 50% done… I need to get on that!
Almost everything done but the boyfriend!
Which always proves to be the most difficult…
I’m feeling like Scrooge since we haven’t done any Christmas shopping. But Christmas is being put on the backburner since we had to buy last minute tickets to Florida. We have to visit DH’s grandfather who is terribly ill, and his dying wish is for everyone to be there for the holidays. I guess our big gift will be spending time with family for the holiday season. I would love to shop for stuff, but money is tight right now.
I am 35% Done.
I’m just like you – I’ve started, but I’m not done yet. This gift card would definitely help me out!!!
We’re done – we celebrated Christmas over Thanksgiving with my husband’s family already.
All done! I need to minimize stress this time of year – and shopping early is one way to do it!
MOST of my shopping is done. This is so unlike me!
I am almost done, a few stragglers left…
I have about half of my shopping done and all of my budget gone 🙂
Barely done! We have the kids’ presents, but nothing for the adults yet.
We’re almost done! We know exactly what we’re getting everyone but since we have to fly home for Christmas it’s easier to either have the gifts shipped there or just buy them at home rather than trying to pack everything and then paying the insane baggage fees!
I’m about 90% done – this gift card would definitely help finish up that last 10%!
I’m 1% done…:D
I started but I don’t know what to get for the “big” gift for my husband!
I have some done. I placed a pretty big order on amazon for a few people. I still have a little more than half to go though.
Maybe one third done. Have to figure out what to get everyone else!
I am about 90% done. No holiday shopping crowds for me!
About half done shopping, and about 1/4 done on items I”m making!!!
I have done almost no shopping, but I will do some this weekend at the Bazaar Boston Bizarre and the rest online.
I’m about halfway done so far.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
I would have to say I am about 75 % done which is very unusual for me
thanks for the giveaway
Happy Holidays
I’m almost done with shopping – just a few more items to buy!
i’ve ordered a few things online but hasn’t made a dent in the list!
I’m completely done which makes me very happy because now I can just enjoy the holiday!
I, too, am about 1/2 done, but we don’t buy too much, so that isn’t saying much 🙂
I haven’t even started…ugh! I am definitely planning to get a big chunk of it done this weekend..
I’m about 75% done. After my recent move to the middle of nowhere, I did most of my shopping online and took advantage of free shipping deals!
I’m about halfway done. I would love to be further, but I’m having a difficult time coming up with ideas.
I’m mostly done – just have to wrap them all now.
I started (and finished!) on Black Friday! Shopped at the mall from 5 AM-2PM, then spent another 30 minutes ordering items I couldn’t find in stores from online websites!
I’m mostly done shopping, but I have lots of things to make still.
I am completely finished as of a week before Thanksgiving…INCLUDING stocking stuffers. 😀 First time ever that I won’t be one of those last minute shoppers at 11:59pm on Christmas Eve picking through the rubble at the malls and discount stores.
i have about 1/8 done, which is a start! i am one of those “lots of little things” gift-givers, so basically i stop adding to the pile when the buzzer rings. it’s so fun to watch someone’s face when they realized you were paying attention that one time when they said they liked that one kind of tea….for example. 🙂
Yes I am almost done with the nieces and nephews!
Not yet and this would help!
I haven’t even started, yikes!
ljyoung85 at
No way am I done. I have a 12-year-old sister and 7-year-old brother who are eagerly awaiting Santa’s delivery. For boyfriend, I bought us a down comforter that we’ve been enjoying very much for a couple of weeks now.
I’m not completely done, but I have definitely started!
I have about half done right now.
we went out on black friday and bought some things that we knew we wanted to get on sale. We have a lot more to go though!! 🙂
I am about half done. I’m having the most fun shopping for my 18-month-son.
We’re doing handmade so I’m as done as I can get for now…will get a little crazy closer to Christmas as far as baked goods, etc!
I have started shopping, but 90% of the stuff I’m getting is online, so I just need to sit down and order everything.
i started this weekend, and got a couple of people taken care of 🙂
Well, I know what I’m going to buy…I just haven’t bought it yet! Next week I should have more time to shop and get everything ready though! : )
I am only about half done.
Haha I’m one of those last minute shoppers… shame on me 🙁
Almost done, only two people left to buy for!
I’m finished. I do all of my Christmas shopping on Black Friday. I start at 3:30 am and don’t come home until I’m finished. Then I eat dinner and wrap everything!
I haven’t even started! I get the first paycheck from my new job one week from today, so I’ll be crammming in what little shopping I’m doing at the last minute!
fieryirishangel at gmail dot com
Yep, sort of! I’ve picked up a few things online.
I haven’t even started yet!! Time is flying… hopefully this weekend!
I’m partially done… did a little store shopping, did a little on-line shopping an am busy making a few things as well:)
I’ve yet to begin. Yikes! I will definitely do so by next week though 🙂
deeg131 at gmail dot com
I’ve started but am stuck on items for 2 of my kids!
I am signed, sealed and all but delivered! Did it all this last weekend, between Black Friday and Cyber Monday…done. I would spend this on myself, cos I am awesome.
oh, and I am tweeting this in about 3 seconds. Thanks!
I officially started my Christmas shopping on Black Friday. I still have (what seems like) tons left to do! Fun giveaway – thank you for the chance to win! 🙂
tyson 2468 (at) charter (dot) net
Tweeted the giveaway! 🙂
tyson 2468 [at] charter [dot] net
I am about half way done! Hard to believe it is December 1st already!!!
I just got back from an overnighter with my friend. We did a lot of shopping in a day and a half!
I am getting there with the holiday shopping! I got a lot done Cyber Monday and now Im just trying to nail down some stuff for those “hard to shop for” people…
I’m about half done… trying to do a lot of it online this year! Yay for free two-day shipping with Amazon Prime!
I have it planned out. I just need to pull the trigger and spend the money. It’s hard for me to spend money!
I’m about 75% done, just have to buy for hubby and some stocking stuffers for my parents!
I’m no where near finished. I know what I want to buy my family, but haven’t purchased anything. For my husband”s family, I haven’t a clue.
I’m about half done – thanks to Black Friday. Still have to get something for the in-laws though and they are the hardest to buy for.
I’m about 80% finished. Thank you, Amazon and Ebay!
i havent bought ANYTHING! i always wait until the last minute. i said i’m starting this weekend- so hopefully that really happens!! 🙂
I’ve started, but barely. I’m too much of a procrastinator to be finished yet!
I have started, but just barely. I have only purchased two gifts so far.
almost done..2 more to buy and ship and then just stocking items for DH….shew….earliest i have ever been done..thank you online shopping!!
I have bot started buying yet, but I do have a decent list building! I really should be more on top of things!
I haven’t done any shopping yet! I dont even know what to get anyone
I haven’t done any xmas shopping yet! I’m planning on baking lots of cookies and other goodies and giving those to most of the people on my list this year though…. it’s just too expensive to buy gifts for each and every person! Plus who doesn’t love some fresh baked cookies!
I only have a few things so far. I always say I want to be done early but that never happens.
Just tweeted 🙂
I am pretty much done. Or at least I know what I’m going to buy 🙂
BTW, I used to work at CSN Stores back in my college days!
I have about 2/3 of it done. I always hope to be done by Thanksgiving but I rarely am.
I’m probably about 1/2-way done. Have some gift cards to pick up, and have to find some gifts for the harder-to-buy-for set.
I started to think about holiday shopping, does that count?? hahaha
I have purchased one present so far.
I’m almost finished. I make jewelry for a hobby so I have a few pieces to whip together and then I’ll be finished!
No I am the worst! I am the worst at waiting until the last minute and then stressing myself out!
I am a huge bargain hunter so I have been mostly done for months now….There are always more gifts to get though.
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
Not started! But I’ll get it done in time. 🙂
I’m a little more than half way done. All the big gifts are done…I got the husband a new snow blower and my son a train table.
I am more than half way done. Unfortunately the people I have left I have no idea what to buy. My sister loves to cook so maybe I could buy her something with this gift card.
I’m pretty well along, but I’m sure there’s more for me to do!
I have purchased a few things here and there — but actually I don’t have far to go. I am planning activities (day trips, dinners out, etc) in lieu of gifts for my parents and in-laws.
I’m almost done! Like 80% My kids are d.o.n.e. Just my dad, step dad, and grandparents left!
I’m about half way finished, always do enjoy it though!
I only have about 25% of my shopping done but I do know what I am buying for everyone.
I have started but it will probably take me up to Christmas to get it done!
I’ve gotten two presents so far and have ideas for one more. I’m not a huge fan of shopping so all of mine will be done online this year!
Have not started. Thanks!
zekks at yahoo dot com
I’m about 60% done with my shopping. Haven’t even stepped food in a shopping mall either… I love internet shopping!
Almost done! Just need to get a few things and get my hubby’s present. Thankfully it’s no longer sold out!
I also posted this on Twitter!
I am 89.9% done!!!!! I also tweeted this!
I am 89.9% DONE!!! I also tweeted this!
You people are overachievers! I haven’t even started yet!
I tweeted!!/FakeGradSchool/status/10455631316131840
I have started shopping but have not finished yet.
tahearn at roadrunner dot com
I have a big list, but I’ve just begun the actual shopping as of yesterday. I have a ways to go…
I am one of those people who wait until the last minute. I don’t like shopping for other people, plus money is a low this year.