30-while-30 Ten Month Update

Ok this list has been pretty very neglected recently… Still not sure how much progress I’ll make by June, but that’s ok. Like I said last month, the point of my list is to just keep some of these things on the top of my mind. It’s not meant to stress me out… Here’s a look at how I’m doing on my 30-while-30 list.

Food / Blogging

  • Brownie Mosaic Cheesecake Done! I made a holiday version by adding peppermint!
  • Gnocchi
  • Donuts Done! I made some awesome homemade yeast doughnuts  
  • Eggs Benedict Done! I made some Cuban Sandwich Eggs Benedict (without Hollandaise)
  • Laminated dough (either danishes or croissants)
  • Make bread at least 4 times – 1: Pumpkin Cinnamon Swirl Bread
  • Bake at least 4 layer cakes – 1: Neapolitan Cheesecake Cake, 2: White Chocolate Layer Cake with Blueberry Curd 3: Purple Ombre Cake (post coming soon)
  • Buy a whole coconut. Open it. Do something (delicious) with it.
  • Make at least one thing from each cookbook I own – any cookbooks that don’t get used in a year, donate or giveaway on here – I started making my list of cookbooks. I plan to post it on here shortly.
  • Cook with 3 new foods – Being part of a CSA this summer was AMAZING. I’ve definitely already cooked with 3 new foods, including this Summer Shrimp Salad.


  • Send birthday cards to my and Hubby’s families (including siblings, parents, nephews, etc) – So far, so good on this one
  • Continue to bake for a good cause – I was able to participate in an online bake sale on The Spiffy Cookie, I hosted a Holiday Cookie Swap where $0.10 was donated to Cookies for Kids Cancer for every cookie exchanged, I donated cookies for an online bake sale on The Kitchen Misfit
  • Go see my sister’s new houseDone! We got to see Brooke’s house while we were in the Midwest for Thanksgiving
  • Go on a girls weekend getaway – Done! I spent a weekend in St Louis with my mom and two sisters in July. It was a great time.
  • Volunteer 4 times


  • Get another tattoo – I have been working on a design for this one! 
  • Pay off my car – Done!
  • Decide on a signature / go-to cocktail – Ok, I’m going to proclaim this one done. I have decided on two go-to cocktails depending on my mood. A dark and stormy, or a Hendricks and tonic. YUM.
  • Watch a sunrise
  • Read 4 books – 1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2. Water for Elephants 3. The Hunger Games 4. Catching Fire 5. Mockingjay  

Healthy living

  • Walk another Avon Walk for Breast Cancer – Done! Recap here
  • Continue to work out on a regular basis – I’ve been a working out machine recently. It’s been awesome.
  • Treat myself to 6 massages – five down, 1 to go
  • Get my first facial  – I bought a Groupon for a facial, I just need to schedule it

Travel and Life in Boston

  • Go to the Head of the CharlesThis one didn’t happen. It was really sad. The Head of the Charles weekend was beautiful. Hubby and I were getting ready to head out to walk over to see the races and I started feeling sick. It was a combination of allergies and something else. I tried to stay strong and power through it, but about a mile into our walk, we had to turn back. I had a horrible fever and just wasn’t doing so well. Hopefully we’ll make it to the HOTC next year…
  • Visit the New England Aquarium
  • See the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
  • Go to Top of the Hub for cocktails  – I went to Top of the Hub on Sunday with some friends for cocktails. It was a beautifully clear (and cold!) day and we had great views of Boston. We had great service while we were there. One of my friends ordered a martini that was poured tableside. They left her the shaker to top off the rest of her drink. When she poured the rest of her martini in the glass, there was a tiny little bug in there. We informed the waitress and she took the glass away. My friend didn’t want another drink  so we were just hoping they would take her martini off the bill. When the waitress returned she said they comped our entire bill, which was totally unnecessary! The manager even came over to apologize about the drink. We were all very impressed by that service. I’ll definitely be going back here with Hubby some time.
  • Visit 3 new cities – 1: St Louis, 2: Niagara Falls 3: Keene, NH 4: Exeter, NH 5: Providence, RI

Reader’s Choice

  • Post more how-to tips (including videos) on here (thanks to Mary and Sarah for the suggestion!) – Check out my new How-To tag. I’ve posted a few how-to posts this month already!

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5 Responses to “My List with One Month to Go”

  1. #
    Ingrid — May 17, 2009 at 9:37 pm

    I love list and the satisfaction I get from drawing a line through an item on it! Sometimes I’ll add an item that I’ve accomplished that was on it just to mark through it! I’m weird like that! 🙂

    Thanks for visiting my blog and the nice comment! You’ve got some great stuff here. I still want to try the chocolate dipped meringues. Oh, and your right the must try list….out of CONTROL! 🙂

  2. #
    Ingrid — May 17, 2009 at 9:39 pm

    Oops, I meant lists and added an item that WASN’T on the list! I’m a dork! I need to proof read before I hit publish!

  3. #
    Jen — May 17, 2009 at 9:45 pm

    I have to admit that I do the same thing about adding things to the list that I’ve already done just so I can then cross it off. Hubby jokes that I should always start my lists with “write this list” just so I can immediately mark something off.

  4. #
    Mermaid Sweets — May 19, 2009 at 10:29 pm

    I love your list, I need to read my D40 manual as well.

  5. #
    Michael — June 4, 2009 at 10:26 pm

    Jen, you now have less than 2 weeks till your birthday.
    At work yesterday, our VP suggested we need to delegate more, and if we delegate things, the unimportant things will fall off the table.
    Trying to help. Delegate your reading to Lnz. She loves to read and gets bored when she reads a book for the 3rd or 4th time. Give her a book to read for you and then have her explain the book…you would accomplish multiple things at once, keep Lnz from getting bored, spend quality time listening to her, and accomplish something on your list by delegating.

    good luck,


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