30-while-30 How’d I do…
So I’ve made a decision about this list. It’s a fun guide of things I want to do, but I’m going to revamp it around my birthday and turn it more into a list of things I want to do overall while in my 30s. Quite a few of the things on this list are going to end up on that list, and some won’t. I’m ok with that because the list is here to remind me to get out there and live life to it’s fullest. Here’s a look at how I’m did on my 30-while-30 list.
Food / Blogging
- Brownie Mosaic Cheesecake – Done!
- Gnocchi
- Donuts – Done!
- Eggs Benedict – Done!
- Laminated dough (either danishes or croissants)
- Make bread at least 4 times – 1: Herbed Bread baked in a Dutch Oven 2: Pumpkin Cinnamon Swirl Bread
- Bake at least 4 layer cakes – 1: Neapolitan Cheesecake Cake, 2: White Chocolate Layer Cake with Blueberry Curd 3: Purple Ombre Cake (I’ve actually made two more layers cakes, I just haven’t gotten around to posting them yet)
- Buy a whole coconut. Open it. Do something (delicious) with it.
- Make at least one thing from each cookbook I own – any cookbooks that don’t get used in a year, donate or giveaway on here – I started making my list of cookbooks…
- Cook with 3 new foods – Being part of a CSA this summer was AMAZING. I’ve definitely already cooked with 3 new foods, including this Summer Shrimp Salad. And Balsamic Fiddleheads!
- Send birthday cards to my and Hubby’s families – Done!
- Continue to bake for a good cause – Done / Ongoing!
- Go see my sister’s new house – Done! We got to see Brooke’s house while we were in the Midwest for Thanksgiving
- Go on a girls weekend getaway – Done! I spent a weekend in St Louis with my mom and two sisters in July. It was a great time. I have also done a couple other girls getaways with friends. One to Keene, NH and one to Providence, RI!
- Volunteer 4 times
- Get another tattoo – I have been working on a design for this one!
- Pay off my car – Done!
- Decide on a signature / go-to cocktail – My two go-to cocktails depending on my mood. A dark and stormy, or a Hendricks and tonic. YUM.
- Watch a sunrise
- Read 4 books – 1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2. Water for Elephants 3. The Hunger Games 4. Catching Fire 5. Mockingjay
Healthy living
- Walk another Avon Walk for Breast Cancer – Done! NYC recap here. Then I got all ambitious and did another one this year! Boston Avon Walk recap here.
- Continue to work out on a regular basis – I was doing really well on this one, then kind of fell off the wagon and am getting back on now.
- Treat myself to 6 massages – Done!
- Get my first facial – Done!
Travel and Life in Boston
- Go to the Head of the Charles
- Visit the New England Aquarium
- See the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
- Go to Top of the Hub for cocktails – Done!
- Visit 3 new cities – 1: St Louis, 2: Niagara Falls 3: Keene, NH 4: Exeter, NH 5: Providence, RI We also visited a LOT of new cities while in Europe. I love traveling!
Reader’s Choice
- Post more how-to tips (including videos) on here (thanks to Mary and Sarah for the suggestion!) – Check out my new How-To tag.
I love your list. Very inspiring to get on the ball with things I’ve been meaning to do or keep putting off.
For the Chocolate Mosaic Cheesecake, I’d use the recipe from Susan Purdy’s “A Piece of Cake” but the BAKED brownie. It’s fantastic and very easy.