Blackberry Lime Curd

Fruit curds are awesome. And there’s no reason not to make them at home. Not only are they easy to execute, the available options for fruit curds are endless. Why limit yourself to just lemon curd? I have made passion fruit curd, raspberry curd, and blueberry curd in the past.

Blackberry Lime Curd

Most of them went in to layer cakes, but the leftovers were always put to good use as well. Whether we ate them just spread on some toast or a graham cracker, or threw some on an egg sandwich, a good fruit curd is something I always say I want to make more frequently.

Blackberry Lime Curd

This blackberry lime curd is no different. It started with the intention of going into a layer cake. But the cake didn’t use all of the curd, so we had some in our fridge for a few glorious days. Blackberry and lime work so harmoniously together, it is no wonder this curd was addictive and disappeared in a few short days.

Blackberry Lime Curd

One Year Ago: Homemade Garlic Pizza Sauce
Three Years Ago: Cilantro Chicken Burgers
Four Years Ago: Creme Brulee Again

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Blackberry Lime Curd


1/2 tsp granulated gelatin
12 ounces frozen unsweetened blackberries
10 large egg yolks
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup lime juice
Grated zest of 1 lime
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, cut into pieces and softened


In a small bowl, mix together gelatin and 1-1/2 teaspoons warm water; set aside.

Thaw blackberries. Puree in a blender; then strain to remove seeds and set puree aside.

Set up a double boiler and bring water to a boil.

In a separate bowl, whisk together blackberry puree, egg yolks, sugar, lime juice, and zest.

Transfer mixture to the top of the double boiler; cook until mixture starts to thicken, stirring continuously with a whisk.

When mixture resembles loose pudding, whisk in softened butter in three stages. Add gelatin and continue whisking 2 minutes.

Remove from heat and transfer mixture to a clean bowl. Press plastic wrap onto the surface of the curd to prevent skin from forming. Refrigerate until completely cool, about 1 hour.

Recipe adapted from Yankee Magazine

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2 Responses to “Roasted Blueberry Cupcakes”

  1. #
    ErinsFoodFiles — May 4, 2012 at 8:18 pm

    Wow, roasted blueberries! I had no idea!

  2. #
    Erica — August 13, 2012 at 5:23 pm

    i made these this weekend and they came out SO good. like a super moist, purple blueberry muffin. the roasted blueberries also made my apartment smell amazing 🙂

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