Boston Marathon 2013

Update – I wrote this post Thursday afternoon before knowing about the continued events that are unfolding today. Everyone in the Boston area – please stay safe!

I have tried multiple times to put words around my feelings about what happened in Boston on Monday. But it’s been hard to do. At the same time, it has proven helpful for me, so here are my thoughts on the tragedy.

Having recently moved out of Boston to Ohio, I still feel like Boston is my home. When I meet people here in Cincinnati, I always make a point to say that I just moved here from Boston. I guess the word “just” is relative and at some point, that won’t be part of my introduction. But I don’t know when that will happen.


Marathon Monday has always been my favorite day of the year in Boston. The day is full of magic and inspiration. I have to admit that when I first heard people talking about how great Marathon Monday was, I was skeptical. I didn’t see how standing outside to watch a bunch of runners could stand up to the hype. Then I went to my first Boston Marathon. And I was hooked.

Since we lived near Coolidge Corner, our yearly routine was to hit up Coolidge Corner Clubhouse for some food, a beer, and to watch the elite men and women cross the finish line on the TV. Then we’d head out to the course. We’d start by cheering at Coolidge Corner for a while, always checking our phones to track where people we knew were at on the course. We’d slowly work our way down to the finish line, cheering on the runners and just enjoying the atmosphere that is Marathon Monday in Boston.


One year we went to the Red Sox game. Hubby and I both hated it. We wished we were out with the crowds, high-fiving runners, screaming their names to encourage them, and clapping to cheer them on. That’s exactly what we did once we left Fenway that year.

This year we had planned to fly back to Boston for the weekend and stay for Marathon Monday. With the timing of getting our new house and the expenses associated with that, we decided not to make that trip.

This might sound crazy, but Hubby and I both wish we had been there. Sure, we’re glad that we are safe here in Ohio (I know our parents are too). But processing this tragedy from 1000+ miles away has been difficult to say the least. I found out about the bombing on Facebook Monday afternoon. I instantly starting emailing and texting friends to make sure everyone was safe. Luckily, everyone we talked to was safe, as well as their friends and families. I found someone to cover my Monday night meetings and went home in a daze.


Hubby and I both had a strong desire to be in Boston on Monday night. We felt so helpless here in Ohio. We sat in our living room, listening to WBUR streaming through our computer while reading everything online we could find about the bombings. We’ve seen the Google Document where people offered a place to stay for anyone affected by the marathon. We’ve read the stories about the marathon runners who ran to the hospital to give blood. And the first responders who ran towards the second blast.

The stories go on and on of people in Boston helping others in need. But we can’t help anyone here. I can’t even give my friends a hug. Most people in Cincinnati don’t feel the same sadness, anger, and sheer confusion around the events that took place on Monday. So Hubby and I have been sharing this experience together. But at the same time, we both feel very alone in this new city of ours.


I know that we are pretty lucky in the fact that no one we know got hurt. And I realize that complaining about dealing with the emotions of this attack from far away is nothing in comparison to what some other families are dealing with this week. I wanted to share my feelings and open a discussion for anyone else who loves Boston and hates what happened. Boston is a strong community and the city will make it through this tough time. I have no doubt about that.

Here are some other articles that fellow bloggers have written about the tragedy. If you’ve seen others out there, add the link in the comments.

Fiona from A Boston Food Diary wrote about the Boston community. This post had me in tears and rings so true to the attitude of Bostonians.

My friend Nick is a video game blogger and he lives 3 doors down from the house with the boat where they found Suspect #2. He writes about it on his blog, Applied Gaming.

Kirsten from Cake, Batter, and Bowl wrote about a friend who started fundraising for victims of the attack.

Shannon from Tri to Cook wrote about her experience with the marathon, where she volunteers every year.

Megan from Delicious Dishings wrote about her feelings from Monday.

Brianne from Sweet Cheeks in the Kitchen wrote about her experience on Monday. Her husband ran the race and they were waiting for a table at the Cheesecake Factory when the bombs went off.

Brianne’s post led to me to her friend Amy’s blog… Amy from The Lawsons did Dallas! also wrote about the experience. She was with Brianne, along with both of their young sons at the time of the explosions.

Kristen from Decorate This! wrote about her experience as a spectator the day of the race. Her husband finished before the bombings, but they weren’t able to get ahold of each other due to spotty service immediately following the tragedy.

And her husband, Jeff from I was Born Ready wrote about his experience as a runner. I love reading stories about marathon runners, they always make me cry. Jeff summarizes his feelings in a very real way that hit home for me.

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16 Responses to “Do you Moo?”

  1. #
    Julie ( — January 12, 2011 at 5:33 pm

    I was told about too recently. I checked out their site and it’s really cool! I am probably going to order soon. 🙂

  2. #
    Melissa — January 12, 2011 at 5:40 pm

    I’ve never heard of…will have to check them out!

  3. #
    Michael - Innkeeper — January 12, 2011 at 5:40 pm

    i’ve been seeing a lot about lately.

    i’ve heard their products are great!

    i’ve been wanting to get postcard of my b&b made for my gift shoppe!

    anyway of getting a little discount for your readers … a wise woman once told me it doesn’t hurt to ask. 😉

  4. #
    Megan — January 12, 2011 at 5:42 pm

    I think your new business cards are great. This is the reminder I needed to order some new ones myself. And the stickers are adorable!

  5. #
    Nikki (Pennies on a Platter) — January 12, 2011 at 5:47 pm

    I love Moo! I’m sure it’s changed a lot since I first received my cards from FB about a little over 3 years ago, but I’m ready to order some more with MY photos! Yay! Thanks for the reminder! Your cards look GREAT!

  6. #
    Cupcake Kelly — January 12, 2011 at 6:03 pm

    I love Moo! They have a so us non US people don’t have to feel left out. My mini cards are really cute and people are usually pretty impressed! They came in a cute white box.

  7. #
    Fun and Fearless in Beantown — January 12, 2011 at 7:06 pm

    I love my mini Moo cards!

  8. #
    Blog is the New Black — January 12, 2011 at 7:34 pm

    Great rec! They look great. I didn’t get any cards from FB…!!!

  9. #
    Christina — January 12, 2011 at 9:30 pm

    What an awesome website! I’ve never heard of it, thanks for sharing. 🙂 Btw, I looove the sticker book, so cute!

  10. #
    Daisy — January 12, 2011 at 9:59 pm

    i think i signed up too late for foodbuzz because I got the shaft! You business cards are some of the best in the blog business. bright, colorful, savy. way to go.

  11. #
    Chelsea — January 13, 2011 at 2:56 am

    Wow, these are so great! I’ve never heard of this website, I’ll have to check it out!

  12. #
    A CopyCat Cooks — January 13, 2011 at 4:53 am

    The products look great. Use the stickers as labels for packaging when shipping your products – or sealing envelopes.

  13. #
    Elina (Healthy and Sane) — January 13, 2011 at 3:36 pm

    I love Moo as well – they’re expensive but you can tell the difference in quality!
    Would love to see what you do with those stickers – they do look super fun! 🙂

  14. #
    Jen — January 13, 2011 at 8:28 pm

    Good point Michael. I asked and they said they couldn’t offer a discount to my readers. Sorry about that.

  15. #
    Melissa — January 14, 2011 at 4:26 pm

    I love your business cards! This site is great, VistaPrint better watch out!

  16. #
    Anonymous — January 17, 2011 at 8:37 pm

    If your readers want 30% discount on their first order of MOO cards here is a code valid until 11:59pm (GMT) 31st January 2011: Code – SPYZQ5
    Valid for first time users only. Shipping is not included in the 30% discount.

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