Chocolate Nutella Cupcakes

These chocolate nutella cupcakes are my contribution to Krystal’s Virtual Baby Shower (hosted by Eva). Krystal will be welcoming her second bundle of joy to the family soon and they refer to the baby as cupcake! And doesn’t that just make a perfect theme for an online shower?!?

Chocolate Nutella Cupcakes

I was excited about the theme because it’s been AGES since I’ve made cupcakes. And with our recent move, I was reminded at just how many different cupcake liners I have in my cabinet. So this was the perfect excuse to browse some cupcake recipes. I looked through recipes in cookbooks and online before deciding on these chocolate nutella cupcakes.

Chocolate Nutella Cupcakes

And what a great way to re-introduce myself to cupcake baking than with my go-to chocolate cupcake that I know and love with a new amazingly delicious frosting. The frosting’s name is Nutella Cloud Frosting and I can’t think of a better way to describe it. Whether the cloud in the name is referring to the dreaminess of the frosting or the light-airiness is still up for debate, but it’s the perfect name for this frosting.

Chocolate Nutella Cupcakes

And if you’re not a fan of Nutella, you can just leave it out and make yourself some chocolate cloud frosting. Either way, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. I decorated these cupcakes quite simply, using multi-colored liners and some sprinkles on top. They the perfect addition to any shower menu, virtual or not.

Chocolate Nutella Cupcakes

So join me in congratulating Krystal and her hubby Eric on their upcoming arrival. To see all of the cupcakes, check out the round up on Eva’s blog. And, you might remember Krystal’s first virtual baby shower, where I made these delicious Cuban Sandwich Eggs Benedict. YUM!

Chocolate Nutella Cupcakes

One Year Ago: Caramelized Red Onion Tart and Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
Two Years Ago: Roasted Banana Soft Serve and Fudgey Banana Brownies
Three Years Ago: Lemon Raspberry Layer Cake
Five Years Ago: Perfect Summer Salsa and Dairy Free Cheesecake Pops

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Chocolate Nutella Frosting

Yield: 2 cups


1 cup (227 g) unsalted butter, softened but cool
1-1/2 cups (190 g) powdered sugar
2 tps (10 ml) pure vanilla extract
3/4 cup (125 g) premium bittersweet chocolate, chopped, melted and slightly cooled
1/3 cup (100 g) Nutella
1 Tbsp (15 ml) milk
pinch of salt


In a bowl of stand mixer fitted with paddle attachment, combine the icing sugar and butter and beat on low speed for about 1 minute.

Add vanilla, and beat on low speed until well combined. Add the melted and slightly cooled chocolate and beat on medium speed until smooth, about 2 minutes.

Add the Nutella, milk and pinch of salt, and beat on med-high speed for another minute.

Recipe from Sweetapolita

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8 Responses to “Stuffed Strawberries”

  1. #
    Joelen — July 31, 2008 at 3:12 pm

    These are such an elegant treat especially for guests. I like using a cream cheese filling for them!

  2. #
    Jen — July 31, 2008 at 5:39 pm

    Yep, that’s how I’ve always seen it, with cream cheese filling. It’s definitely a great way to use up leftover frosting though. I’m sure any cream-cheese based frosting would be delicious.

  3. #
    Gail — August 1, 2008 at 3:44 am

    I love the idea of an inside-out chocolate covered strawberry! I will definitely be trying this!

  4. #
    oneordinaryday — March 21, 2009 at 10:49 pm

    So pretty. I wonder if nutella would work too.

  5. #
    Chic Cookies — March 22, 2009 at 2:13 am

    These are so great! I love the idea (and the party theme is inspired). I posted a link for my edible crafts column to your blog at Hope to bring you a few more clicks! Thanks for sharing, Meaghan

  6. #
    Oakley Rhodes — March 22, 2009 at 3:33 am

    Love it! I’m impressed by those that can keep “leftover” frosting around the kitchen – it’s usually eaten up by my housemates before any can be put away.

  7. #
    lindsey — June 29, 2009 at 11:35 pm

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. #
    lindsey — June 29, 2009 at 11:37 pm

    hey jen,
    i’m thinking of making these for dad’s fourth of july party, along with the strawberry and blueberry cupcakes and of course the layered cookie cake we made last year. i’ll let you know what everyone thinks of them!

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