Kentucky Butter Cake

I mentioned the other week that I got a promotion at work. With this promotion, I’m now managing people for the first time. Being a boss has been an interesting transition over the last few weeks.

Kentucky Butter Cake Bundt

I have to confess that when I found out about the job, Hubby and I did play the SNL short “Like A Boss” on the TV, blaring through the speakers, pointing to me when it said “Like a boss”. Which is quite frequently if you recall… (If you haven’t seen the skit, Google it sometime when you’re home. It’s somewhat inappropriate but pretty funny).

Kentucky Butter Cake Bundt

So now that I’m a boss, I get to make some of the rules at work which has been fun. One thing I changed was how birthdays are celebrated in the group. You see, birthdays are a big deal in my world. I love celebrating other people’s birthdays *almost* as much as my own.

Since the previous manager was doing nothing to celebrate birthdays, I had a blank slate to start with. I decided that we’d celebrate at the last staff meeting of the month with some homemade baked good. For the first time since making that executive decision, it was time to celebrate April birthdays at staff meeting.

Kentucky Butter Cake Bundt

I decided on this Kentucky Butter Cake because one of the reviews online said it tasted like a glazed doughnut. Enough said, I’m in. Since staff meeting is in the morning, I figured this was a nice bridge between breakfast and dessert.

This bundt was a HUGE success. The cake itself is a nice sturdy cake with a bit of tang from the buttermilk. And the glaze is to.die.for. It’s a butter syrup that’s poured over the hot bundt (after piercing holes throughout). And then the whole thing is cooled in the pan. So that glaze gets soaked throughout the cake and forms a nice crust on the outside edges.

Kentucky Butter Cake Bundt

My team loved the new tradition of celebrating birthdays once a month at staff meeting (and the coworkers who got leftovers approve as well). Although I’ve set the bar pretty high with this cake. It’s going to be a tough act to follow next month.

One Year Ago: Red Cabbage Slaw with Cilantro and Lime Dressing and Pulled Pork Sliders with Red Cabbage Slaw
Two Years Ago: Homemade Peeps and Hot Cross Buns
Three Years Ago: Raspberry Curd
Four Years Ago: Raspberry Cheesecake Swirl Brownies
Five Years Ago: Plum Rolls (Zwetschgenschnecken)

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Kentucky Butter Cake Bundt

This bundt cake tastes just like a glazed doughnut!

Yield: Serves 10-12


For the Cake
3 cups unbleached flour
2 cups white sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 cup buttermilk
1 cup butter
2 tsp vanilla
4 eggs

For the Glaze
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup butter
3 Tbsp water
2 tsp vanilla extract


For the Cake
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Grease and flour a 10 inch Bundt pan.

In a large bowl, mix the flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and baking soda. Blend in buttermilk, butter, vanilla and eggs. Beat for 3 minutes at medium speed. Pour batter into prepared pan.

Bake in preheated oven for 60 minutes, or until a wooden toothpick inserted into center of cake comes out clean.

During the last 15 minutes of baking time, prepare the glaze.

For the Glaze
In a saucepan combine the sugar, butter, vanilla, and the water. Cook over medium heat, until fully melted and combined, but do not boil.

Prick holes in the still warm cake. Slowly pour sauce over cake. Let cake cool before removing from pan.

Recipe from

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13 Responses to “Pumpkin Cranberry Pecan Upside Down Cake”

  1. #
    Sarah — November 24, 2010 at 4:58 pm

    This is the perfect recipe for all of the leftover ingredients I have! Hubby made me buy a 3-pound bag of cranberries because he loves them, but you only use 12 ounces for cranberry sauce so I’ve got about 2 pounds of cranberries left to use, plus lots of pumpkins and pecans. This is definitely being made this weekend!

  2. #
    Megan — November 24, 2010 at 5:18 pm

    Oh man. That does sound good. And I know it must be if you’re repeating it because I am the same way. I’m going to make a cranberry maple pecan cake on Friday… but this is really tempting too.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. #
    Stephanie — November 24, 2010 at 5:55 pm

    Oh, man! If I only had more time for Thanksgiving dessert table – this is certainly one I would try.

  4. #
    We Are Not Martha — November 24, 2010 at 5:58 pm

    Oooh this cake looks so ooey gooey and delicious! I wish there weren’t already so many desserts coming to my Thanksgiving table because I’d totally make this!


  5. #
    Fun and Fearless in Beantown — November 24, 2010 at 6:02 pm

    This looks super delicious and your photos look great too! Happy Thanksgiving to you and hubby!

  6. #
    Shannon — November 25, 2010 at 3:48 pm

    ooooh, my, i must try this 🙂 happy thanksgiving!!

  7. #
    Nutmeg Nanny — November 28, 2010 at 10:14 pm

    What a fabulous recipe! All the flavors sound delicious to me.

  8. #
    Shandra — November 29, 2010 at 4:45 am

    This looks amazing! It looks so moisty yum, I should try to make this sometime, Love your blog! this is my first comment for you so I thought I’d show some appreciation for your blog, because I’ve been drooling over all your recipes for a while

  9. #
    "pup" — November 29, 2010 at 1:13 pm

    Your photos are beautiful! The pictures I took of the actual cake didn’t look to appealing, the photos I took of the bite sized cake bites looked pretty though lol
    Good job!!

  10. #
    freefoodboston — December 1, 2010 at 3:21 pm

    What a great recipe! You totally had me at caramel/pecan/cranberry topping.

  11. #
    Sophie — January 1, 2011 at 3:14 am

    Just finally made this cake and it is astoundingly good! Truly the best dessert I’ve had in…oh, a very long time. Thank you for your post!

  12. #
    Nancy Blume-Watson — November 30, 2013 at 1:57 pm

    I tried to be good, I really did! This cake was so delicious, I not only had seconds, I had a piece for breakfast the next day and for a snack later that day. This one goes on my Christmas menu!

    • beantownbaker — December 1st, 2013 @ 6:52 pm

      I doubled the recipe this time and you’ll remember the middle didn’t quite bake through. It also spilled over a bit, so next time, I’ll put a pan under the cake in the oven.

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