Halloween Cupcakes using Fondant

Remember when Megan and I had the chance to play with fondant thanks to the lovely people at King Arthur Flour? While we were at it, we figured it would be fun to do some Halloween cupcakes decorated with fondant. Megan had wanted to do the ghosts and I suggested adding the mummies as well.

Since I baked up our cake layers, Megan baked the cupcakes and made the frosting. The mummies were pretty simple to assemble. We spread a small amount of buttercream on top of the regular sized vanilla cupcakes. Then, fondant was rolled to a thin thickness. We used a knife to cut thin strips of fondant to lay on top of the buttercream. There’s really no rhyme or reason to how you lay them on there, I stuck with straight lines and an X across the bottom. I was sure to leave a small opening for the chocolate eyes.

The ghosts came up next. Megan made mini cupcakes for us to use for the ghosts. We each tried (and decided on) a couple different methods for giving our ghosts some height. I went with the stacked approach. I frosted all of my mini cupcakes. Then I unwrapped half of them. I stacked the unwrapped cupcakes on top of the wrapped cupcakes to build a tower of mini cupcakes. Using our thinly rolled fondant, I cut out a large circle of fondant. I simply draped the circle of fondant over the top mini cupcake and draped it down the side. Megan melted some chocolate for us to add eyes to our ghosts.

Playing with fondant was a lot of fun and I’m looking forward to doing it some more in the future. Be sure to check out some more detailed instructions and other ideas on the King Arthur Flour website. And go check out Megan’s method for making the ghosts.

Don’t forget about my Power of Pink Challenge – make something PINK by the end of the month to raise Breast Cancer Awareness!

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One Response to “Peppermint Patty Fudge”

  1. #
    Nutmeg Nanny — December 23, 2013 at 10:14 pm

    Oh wow I love the idea of adding peppermint patties into the fudge 🙂 so fun!

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